What's new in the Cartography toolbox

At version 10.1, many of the generalization and graphic conflict resolution tools in the Cartography toolbox can be enabled for partitioning to allow them to process much larger datasets. Partitioning dynamically subdivides input data for processing, ensuring that a seamless result is output. Partitioning is controlled by polygon features specified in the Cartographic Partitions geoprocessing environment variable.

The following tools can be enabled for partitioning:

Learn more about generalizing large datasets using partitions

New tools




Generalization toolset

Collapse Road Detail

Collapses small, open configurations of road segments that interrupt the general trend of a road network, such as traffic circles, for example, and replaces them with a simplified depiction.

Create Cartographic Partitions

Creates a mesh of polygon features that cover the input feature class where each polygon encloses no more than a specified number of input features, determined by the density and distribution of the input features.

Delineate Built-Up Areas

Creates polygons to represent built-up areas by delineating densely clustered arrangements of buildings on small-scale maps.

Improved tools



Aggregate Polygons

  • A new parameter called Barrier Features has been added to identify lines or polygons over which input features cannot be aggregated.
  • The output table that is generated has been exposed as an optional parameter, Output Table, allowing the name and location to be explicitly specified.

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