What's new for reporting in ArcGIS 10.1

Report automation with ArcPy

An Export Report function is available that allows you to automate the generation of reports.

Related data

For data that participates in a relationship class or relate, ArcGIS 10.1 allows you to access the related records and generate a report that includes attribute information from related datasets. In Report Designer, simply add a RelatedReport element to your report and use the other design elements to customize the format of the related data.

Working with images in reports

There are now 3 ways that you can define the source for an image in your report. You can base the image on a text field containing the path to the file or from a raster field. You can set the image source to a file path on a local drive, network location or on the web. You can also embed the image as a static picture. With the new ability to add related reports, you can also source images from related tables or from Attachments.

Dataset options

When creating a report, you can now choose to filter the data source for the report based on the visible extent of the current map. This means that only the attributes of the visible features in the map for the chosen layer will be used in the report.

Calculated fields

You can calculate fields that are not bound to existing fields in the report. Unbound fields allow you to use other unbound fields to generate dynamic content in the report.

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