Changing the completion status of a correction (Maritime Charting)

Once you have performed edits from a Notice to Mariners file, you can change the correction status of each item. Changing the status also changes the color of the reference number in the Notice to Mariners dialog box.


This assists with quality control to track who made the correction.

  1. Start ArcMap.
  2. If necessary, set up the DNC production environment.
  3. Click the Notice To Mariners button Notice To Mariners on the Nautical DNC toolbar.
  4. Navigate to the location of the parsed NGA text file and click Select.

    The Notice to Mariners dialog box appears.

    Notice to Mariners dialog box
  5. Click the Target Layer drop-down arrow and choose a target layer.
  6. If necessary, add or remove fields in the Notice to Mariners dialog box.
  7. Right-click the reference number for which you want to change the status and click the status that applies.
    • Complete—The reference number changes from red to black when the status is updated to Complete.
    • Incomplete—The reference number changes from black to red when the status is updated to Incomplete.

    A reviewer may want to change the status from one to the other to keep track of changes.
