What's new in editing for Esri Production Mapping (Production Mapping)

In ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, major enhancements have been made to editing functionality as well as to the product library within Esri Production Mapping. With this version, several new tools and enhancements have been made to the editing interfaces within Production Mapping to improve the ease of use.

New at 10.1 SP1

At 10.1 SP1, some enhancements have been made to the sketch halo, loading templates from views, and the Create tab on the Manage Features window.

Sketch halo

The sketch halo has been enhanced and now allows you to create several different halos that can be displayed at once in the map. This allows you to create halos for different distances when data is being extracted for several different feature classes at once. The sketch halos have also been enhanced to automatically adjust to the projection and location in the map.

Example of a sketch halo in a map

Sketch halos can be created and configured on the Editing pane on the Production Properties dialog box.

Sketch halo properties on the Editing pane

Loading templates

At 10.1 SP1, the Load Selected Templates From View command has been added, which allows you to load only certain templates in the view instead of all of them. You can also choose to append them to the current layers listed on the Create tab or replace templates on the current layers with those selected on the Load Selected Templates From View dialog box.

Load Selected Template From View dialog box

A new property called Validate templates on load has been added to the Editing tab on the Production Properties dialog box. This property indicates whether the templates are validated before they are added to the Create tab when the templates are loaded from a view.

Create tab

Groups on the Create tab can now be collapsed and expanded as necessary. This is useful if there are several layers loaded in the Manage Features window and you only want to work with specific ones.

The Create tab with groups expanded

Feature Manager

Other editing tools

Product library

Field configurations

Associate Batch Jobs


The Data Mapping toolset in the Production Mapping toolbox provides a tool that allows you to load data into a geodatabase based on mapping information.
