Optimizing ArcScene

There are many potential reasons why the interactive speed of ArcScene could be limited. It may be due to factors such as the volume of data you are displaying, the symbology options for one or more layers, your application settings, or the hardware you are using. In all likelihood, it will be a combination of these issues that is slowing ArcScene performance.

The most effective way of improving performance to meet your needs is to optimize the layers within the 3D view. For information on how to optimize layers see these topics:

You can also improve the performance of ArcScene by adjusting application and machine settings. Important optimizations include the following:

It is worth noting that ArcScene keeps the entire 3D view in memory (RAM), or in paged virtual memory, and is therefore particularly susceptible to being slowed down by very large datasets. If you must display large amounts of data in ArcScene, you should spend more time optimizing that layer type.

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