Digitizing a 3D polygon graphic in ArcScene

With 3D graphic capabilities, you can add polygon graphics to your scene to define, for example, an area of interest.

You can also set default properties, such as size and symbol fill style and color, prior to digitizing new polygon graphic elements. For more information, see Setting default properties for 3D graphics in ArcScene.

  1. Click the New Polygon tool New Polygon on the 3D Graphics toolbar.
  2. Click the first point you want to digitize on the surface.
  3. Click any additional vertices you want to create, double-clicking the final point.
  4. A polygon outline appears, defined by the vertices you digitized.

    Right-click any selected graphic to edit the properties for just that element. You can also access graphics editing capabilities from the 3D Graphics toolbar.
  • Layer effects such as transparency on the 3D Effects toolbar can be applied to graphics such as 3D polygon elements.

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