Using the Point Profile interactive tool

Use the interactive Point Profile tool to generate profile graphs from points (either points or multipoints) along a line or within a selection box. To conduct a profile graph analysis interactively using a point set, follow the steps below.

  1. Click the Point Profile button Point Profile from the 3D Analyst toolbar. Point Profile tool
  2. Click a location on the point set that represents the starting point of the profile graph (displayed as 1 in the image below).
  3. Click a location on the point set that represents the ending point of the profile graph (displayed as 2 in the image below).
  4. Once an ending point has been selected, a selection box appears allowing you to move the cursor until the selection box is at a desired profile width. The actual width value will be displayed in a small dialog box. The width value will change interactively as you move the cursor over the point set. The units of the displayed width correspond to the coordinates of the data being used for the analysis.

    Using the Point Profile tool
  5. Click a third location that will represent the width of the profile graph (displayed as 3 in the image above).
  6. The profile graph will be displayed in a separate window. Point Profile results

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