What are the functions used by a raster or mosaic dataset?

Functions allow you (or the software) to define processing that will be applied to one or more rasters. These functions are applied to the raster data on-the-fly as the data is accessed and viewed; therefore, they can be applied quickly without enduring the time to create a processed product on disk.

Functions can be applied to various rasters (or images), including:

The functions are organized within a function chain, allowing you to create various processed products by chaining together multiple functions.


Function name


Apparent Reflectance

Adjusts image brightness values (DN) for some satellite sensors.


Performs an arithmetic operation between two partially or completely spatially overlapping rasters or a raster and one or more constant values.


Identifies the downslope direction of the maximum rate of change in value from each cell to its neighbors.

Attribute Table

Define an attribute table that will be used to symbolize a single-band mosaic dataset.

Band Arithmetic

Performs an arithmetic operation on the bands of a raster dataset.

Cached Raster

Creates a pre-processed cache dataset at the point in the function chain where it's added for an item in a mosaic dataset.


Extracts or excludes an area in a raster according to a set of extents.

Color Model Conversion

Converts the color model of an image. For example, from either the HSV (hue, saturation, and value) to RGB (red, green, and blue) or vice versa.


Transforms the pixel values to display the raster data as either a grayscale or a red, green, blue (RGB) image, based on a color map.

Colormap To RGB

Converts a single-band raster with a color map to a three-band (red, green, and blue) raster.


Computes magnitude from complex values.

Composite Band

Combines rasters to form a multiband raster.


Creates a virtual raster with a single pixel value for all its pixels.

Contrast And Brightness

Enhances the appearance of raster data (imagery) by modifying the brightness or contrast.


Performs filtering on the pixel values in a raster, which can be used for sharpening an image, blurring an image, detecting edges within an image, or other kernel-based enhancements.

Extract Band

Reorders or extracts bands from a raster.


Rectifies an image based on the geodata transform that is supplied with the raster. This can be used to orthorectify rasters based on a sensor definition and a terrain model.


Converts a multiband raster into a grayscale raster.


Generates a grayscale model of a terrain with the sun's relative position taken into account for shading the terrain.


Default function required by all rasters in a mosaic dataset if there is no other function.

LAS Dataset To Raster

Renders lidar data managed using the LAS Dataset.

This function cannot be added manually. It is added when the data is added to a mosaic dataset using the LAS Dataset raster type.

LAS To Raster

Renders lidar data stored using the LAS file format.

This function cannot be added manually. It is added when the data is added to a mosaic dataset using the LAS raster type.


Creates NoData by defining a range of pixel values. Any values outside the range will be returned as NoData.

Merge Rasters

Creates a single raster item in the attribute table from multiple items (rows).


Calculates the Normalized Vegetation Differential Index (NDVI) values using a two-band raster consisting of the Red and near-infrared bands.


Enhances the spatial resolution of a multiband image by fusing it with a higher-resolution panchromatic image.

Radar Calibration

Converts the pixels of RADARSAT-2 imagery to a true representation of the radar backscatter.

Raster Info

Modifies properties of the raster, such as bit depth.


Allows you to change or reclassify the pixel values of the raster data.


Modifies the projection of and optionally resamples a raster dataset, mosaic dataset, or raster item in a mosaic dataset.

Shaded Relief

Generates a shaded relief from an elevation model and color ramp.


Calculates the rate of change of elevation for each DEM cell.


Smooths or removes speckles in radar imagery using a noise model.

Spectral Conversion

Applies a matrix to a multiband image to affect the spectral values of the output. This can be used to convert a false color image to a pseudo color image.


Calculates focal statistics for each pixel of an image based on a defined focal neighborhood.


Enhances an image by changing properties, such as brightness, contrast, and gamma, through multiple stretch types.

Tasseled Cap

A principal component analysis that can classify certain multispectral datasets and calculate new bands that are useful for vegetation and agricultural studies.

Terrain To Raster

Render multipoint data managed using a terrain stored in a geodatabase.

This function cannot be added manually. It is added when the data is added to a mosaic dataset using the Terrain raster type.

List of functions

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