Tabular data sources

ArcGIS for Desktop allows you to work with data from a variety of sources. You can view tabular information in ArcMap and in ArcCatalog. The source of the data determines the level of functionality that is available, though. For example, text files are read-only in ArcGIS.

The table below contains information about different tabular data sources and what you can do with them in ArcGIS:

Data source



You can create tables in, delete tables from, or alter the schema of existing tables in databases. You can also read (select) data from the tables or load existing data into a table, but you cannot insert, update, or delete data in an edit session.

ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced or ArcGIS for Desktop Standard is required to create or edit tables in a database, and you must be granted the privileges required to perform each action (for example, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, SELECT).

Geodatabase (personal, file, and ArcSDE)

You can create tables in, delete tables from, or alter the schema of existing tables in geodatabases. You can also read (select) data from the tables, as well as insert, update, and delete table data.

ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced or ArcGIS for Desktop Standard is required to create or edit tables in ArcSDE geodatabases, and you must be granted the privileges required to perform each action (for example, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, SELECT, INSERT).

Feature layer attribute tables

Attribute tables are automatically created when the feature class is created. Assuming the feature class is writable, its attribute table is also writable.


You can create and delete dBASE tables. You can also read data from a dBASE table and edit it.

Some field types, such as raster or BLOB, are not supported in dBASE tables or shapefile attribute tables.


You can create or alter INFO tables (requires ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced or ArcGIS for Desktop Standard), delete them, or read data from them. INFO tables and coverage feature class attribute tables cannot be edited in ArcGIS for Desktop.

Microsoft Excel

You can read data from an Excel spreadsheet when it is accessed directly in ArcGIS or through OLE DB.

Microsoft Access (when not a geodatabase)

You can read data from an Access database when accessed through OLE DB.

Other data sources accessed through OLE DB


Text, ASCII, or comma-separated value (.csv) files


Supported tabular data sources in ArcGIS