Stopping a local ArcSDE service on Linux or UNIX

You can use the sdemon command to shut down the service.

There are different reasons for stopping the ArcSDE service, such as if the giomgr process stalls or if you change an environment variable and need to stop then restart the service for the variable to take effect.

Stopping the ArcSDE service relinquishes all of its processes and operating system resources. You can stop an ArcSDE service if no server tasks are running. If server tasks are running, you must remove the running tasks before the service will shut down.

While the service is stopped, no additional connections can be made to the geodatabase using the service.

Clients that attempt to connect using an ArcSDE service while the service is stopped receive the following error message:

Failed to connect to the specified server.
SDE not running on server

  1. At a shell command prompt, type the sdemon command using the shutdown operation. If you are not using the default service name and port, provide the port number with the command. You will be prompted to provide the ArcSDE administrator password.
    sdemon –o shutdown –i 2468
    Please enter ArcSDE DBA password:
    ArcSDE Instance 2468 on <local_server> is Shutdown!
  2. Type the sdemon command with the status operation to confirm the ArcSDE service has been shut down.
    sdemon –o status –i 2468
    ArcSDE Instance 2468 on <local_server> is not available.

    For details on the use of sdemon and other administration commands, consult the Administration Command Reference that is provided with the ArcSDE component of ArcGIS for Server Enterprise.
