Fundamentals about maintaining attributes in a coverage

Coverage feature classes have descriptive information stored as attributes in a feature attribute table.

Understanding attribute definitions

Each column in an attribute table is described in terms of the data types used to store values (for example, text, integer numbers, or decimal numbers), the number of characters or digits required for storage, and display characteristics for reporting attribute values. Where a code is used to represent a value (for example, 1 = highway and 2 = collector), code description tables are defined. In a coverage attribute table, a column in the attribute table is an item (otherwise known as field).

Coverage attribute: item
Coverage attribute: item

The following are attribute item characteristics:

Relating tables

As shown in the following diagram, tables can be related using a common item. Records in tables are related when the value for the common item is the same. Several kinds of relationships exist, including one-to-many, one-to-one, and many-to-one. The diagram below demonstrates a one-to-many relationship between parcels and owners; one parcel can have many owners. The items holding the parcel number for each lot are contained in two tables: the coverage PARCEL.PAT and another table, OWNER. These act as keys to relate records between the two tables.

Relating tables

Maintaining attributes

This section applies to ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced only.

On the Properties dialog box for a coverage feature class, you'll see an FID column that contains the unique identifier for each record or feature. A feature class also has a Shape column and may have several pseudo items, such as the angle of rotation for marker symbols or properties of coverage annotation subclasses. Pseudo items are maintained by the application; their names are preceded by a dollar sign ($), for example, $ANGLE.

On the Properties dialog box for a table or feature class, you can add, update, and delete attributes, as well as create indexes for the values the attributes contain. Only user-defined attributes in the attribute table can be modified or deleted. Coverage items maintained by the application cannot be modified or deleted by the user. Index an attribute to improve the performance of operations that access its contents, such as selecting features with specific attribute values. If you index the Shape column, a spatial index will be created, which improves the performance of any operation that retrieves features by location. After modifying the values in a column, delete the existing index and add a new one.

In addition to new attributes, you can add redefined attributes. Add a redefined attribute to combine or divide the values in existing attributes. Redefined attributes are useful for customizing how the values in a table are displayed. For example, you might choose to show one redefined attribute that concatenates values rather than showing two separate, adjacent columns.

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