VPF Tile Topology (Coverage)

License Level:BasicStandardAdvanced


Creates cross-tile topology for all tiled coverages in a Vector Product Format (VPF) database library, or topology for an individual tile in a VPF library.

This tool is used for postprocessing a VPF coverage or library from Export to VPF output. For efficiency purposes, it's recommended that you build cross-tile topology only after you have finished converting all coverages in your VPF library.

Learn more about how VPF Tile Topology works



VPFTile_arc (VPF_library, {sig_digits}, {VPF_standard}, {spec_cover})
ParameterExplanationData Type

Location of the VPF database library for which cross-tile topology is to be created.


The number of digits the software will use when trying to match node coordinates at tile boundaries. The larger the number, the smaller the search tolerance. The default value is 4.


The VPF Standard to be used. The VPF Standard has two ways of defining cross-tile topology.

  • 93Creates cross-tile topology based on the September 30, 1993, version of the VPF Standard (MIL-STD-2407). 93 is the default option.
  • 96Creates cross-tile topology based on the June 28, 1996, version of the VPF Standard (MIL-STD-2407).

Specifies whether to process all the coverages in the VPF library or only the specified coverage.

  • ALLProcess all the coverages in the VPF library
  • VPF_coverProcess only the specified coverage

Code Sample

VPFTile example (stand-alone script)

The following stand-alone script demonstrates how to export two coverages to VPF and then create cross-tile topology for the VPF covereages.

# Name: VPFTile_Example.py
# Description: Exports two coverages to VPF format then builds tile topology
# Requirements: ArcInfo Workstation

# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env

# Set environment settings
env.workspace = "C:/data"

# Set local variables
inCover1 = "coastb"
inCover2 = "coastc"
outFile1 = "C:/output/vpfdb/wlib/coast2"
outFile2 = "C:/output/vpfdb/wlib/coast3"

vpfLibrary = "C:/output/vpfdb"
vpfStandard = 96
specCover = "ALL"

# Execute VPFExport
arcpy.VPFExport_arc(inCover1, outFile1)
arcpy.VPFExport_arc(inCover2, outFile2)

# Execute VPFTile
arcpy.VPFTile_arc(vpfLibrary, "", vpfStandard, specCover)


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Licensing Information

ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: No
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Requires ArcInfo Workstation installed