Publishing ArcSDE layers

Determining whether the ArcSDE password will be stored in the published map is done while creating the database connection.

  1. Click the Add Data Add Data button button in ArcMap.
  2. Double-click Add Spatial Database Connection.
  3. Enter the information required to connect to your spatial database. If you are using a services file, your ArcReader users will need the same ArcSDE entry in their services file.
  4. Check Save Name/Password to save the password in the database connection.
  5. Click OK.
  1. Uncheck Save Name/Password to require your ArcReader users to enter a password when they open the published map.
  2. Layers that require a password will not draw in ArcReader unless the correct password is entered.
  3. When making a spatial database connection, if you enter the port number for the service, your ArcReader users will not have to update their services file.

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