Mapping and Charting Solutions install guide


The Mapping and Charting Solutions is a suite of products that allows you to perform large-scale production workflows.

What is the Mapping and Charting Solutions setup?

The Mapping and Charting Solutions setup contains the following products:

  • ArcGIS for Aviation
    • ArcGIS for Aviation: Airports
    • ArcGIS for Aviation: Charting
      • Federal Charting
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Bathymetry
  • ArcGIS for Maritime: Charting
  • Esri Defense Mapping
  • Esri Production Mapping
    • Task Assistant Manager

Mapping and Charting solutions are compatible with ArcGIS for Desktop Standard and Advanced.

All the products can be installed at once. Production Mapping contains files and applications on which the other solutions are dependent and is automatically installed.

All Mapping and Charting Solutions include licenses for ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop and ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop. Data Reviewer is included in the Production Mapping installation, while the Workflow Manager setup can be found with the ArcGIS 10.2.x for Desktop setup.


The Mapping and Charting Solutions follow a standard maintenance cycle and will continue to be enhanced and expanded. For major updates and releases, new complete software setups are provided through the Esri Customer Care website, while patches are provided on the Esri Support site.

The Customer Care website provides links to the setups and installation guides. From the Customer Care website, click the installation guide link for information on installation procedures. Click the setup link to download the associated setup program and optionally start the installation process.

You can also exit the Customer Care website and run the installation setup individually. To do so, browse to the folder of the product you want to install and start the setup program. By default, this is the local Documents folder\ArcGIS[version number]\ProductName.

For instance, to install Mapping and Charting Solutions, browse to the directory where the setup file has been saved and double-click setup.exe.
