Batch processes

Batch processes run in the background on a machine and check out one license per session. Batch processes include cron; execution of UNIX AT and BATCH commands; and redirect (<) with standard input, STDIN.

If you execute &system at an Arc prompt and start another arc session, you will have started a batch process:

% arc
Arc: &system
% arc

This also applies to a batch file submitted with the AT command on UNIX or Windows. For example, on Windows, the following batch job is submitted:

C:\> at 8:00 /interactive /every:mwf

where submit.bat is a batch file that runs arc every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This batch job takes its own license.

The following &system calls will not require additional licenses.

Each of these is case sensitive and will execute with allowable abbreviations such as &sys.


Arc: &sys arc
Arc: &sys %ARCHOME%\bin\arc
Arc: &sys arc info
Arc: &sys info
Arc: &sys %ARCHOME%\bin\info
Arc: &sys arc %ARCHOME%\bin\info


Arc: &sys arc
Arc: &sys $ARCHOME/bin/arc
Arc: &sys arc info
Arc: &sys info
Arc: &sys $ARCHOME/bin/info
Arc: &sys arc $ARCHOME/bin/info
Arc: &sys $ARCHOME/bin/arc info
Arc: &sys $ARCHOME/bin/arc $ARCHOME/bin/info
Arc: &data arc
Arc: &data $ARCHOME/bin/arc
Arc: &data arc info
Arc: &data info
Arc: &data $ARCHOME/bin/info
Arc: &data arc $ARCHOME/bin/arc info
Arc: &data $ARCHOME/bin/arc $ARCHOME/bin/info