Joining an existing site

A site is a deployment of ArcGIS for Server. If you've installed ArcGIS for Server for the purpose of connecting it to an existing site, you have the opportunity to specify that site the first time you open Manager.


If your existing site has been configured to use HTTPS, you must add the new GIS Server to the site as described in the topic: Adding a GIS server to a site in Manager.

Before you add a GIS server to a site, you should ensure that it meets the following criteria:

To join a machine to a site, follow the steps below.

  1. Open Manager. The URL to open Manager in a browser is, or you can use the installed shortcut.

    If you're prompted for a user name and password, someone already joined this machine to an existing site.

  2. Click Join An Existing Site.
  3. Type the URL to the site you want to join. The URL usually follows the format
  4. Type the administrator name and password of the site you want to join. This can be the same user name and password that you used when you created the site, or it can be another ArcGIS for Server user account to whom the server administrator has granted administrative privileges.

    Click Next.

  5. Choose the cluster that you want this machine to join.

    This option only appears if more than one cluster is detected. Clusters are a way of grouping subsets of GIS server machines so that they can be dedicated to running particular sets of services.

    Click Next.

  6. Examine the configuration summary and click Finish when you are ready to join the machine to the site.

Your machine is now added to the site.


When you create or join a machine to a site, logs at the Verbose level are written to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/usr/logs/<machine name>/server. If the site creation or join fails, you can open the logs with a text editor to get more information about the problem.

Once the site creation or join is complete, the logs are moved to <ArcGIS Server installation directory>/arcgis/server/usr/logs and the log level is set to Warning. If the ArcGIS Server account does not have permission to create or write to this folder, the site creation or join will fail. If you don't want to give the ArcGIS Server account permissions to create folders on your entire drive, you can manually create this folder in advance and grant the ArcGIS Server account permissions to write to it.
