Configuring the display language for ArcGIS Server Manager

The ArcGIS Server Manager application installed with ArcGIS 10.1 for Server setup supports localization. The setup includes a prelocalized version of Manager for several languages:

Once the setup completes, Manager opens automatically. If your browser is already configured to display one of the above languages, Manager opens automatically in that language; otherwise, the steps below will help you configure the supported browser's display language.

Firefox users

Localized versions of Firefox 3.5 and higher are available. Installing a localized version of Firefox and opening Manager automatically displays it in the requested browser language.

If you want to use Firefox and display Manager in a language different than the browser language, you must use Firefox 5.0 or newer and configure the following:

  1. Choose Tools > Options.

  2. Click the Content tab, and in the Languages area, click Choose.

  3. Select the language you want displayed and promote it to the top of the language list.

    In the Options dialog box, select Choose to configure the language you want displayed

    In the Languages dialog box, select the language you want displayed and promote it to the top of the language list

Localizing Manager in additional languages

Manager can be localized for display in additional languages beyond the nine languages previously listed:

To translate Manager into one of these languages, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the <ArcGIS for Server installation directory>/framework/runtime/tomcat/webapps/arcgis#manager/js/esri/nls folder.
  2. Locate the file that corresponds to the language you want displayed.
  3. Translate the values for the Esri strings in the file. For example:
            "NewUser": "New User",
            "NewRole": "New Role",
            "NewUser": "Neuer Benutzer",
            "NewRole": "Neue Rolle",

You will likely want to use a JSON formatting tool such as to format the contents of the file before you start to translate it.
