Select features on a map

Selecting (highlighting) features on a map provides a way to identify, locate, and visually analyze a set or subset of data on your map. Features can be selected individually or as a group from the map or the spreadsheet. Once you have selected features, you can export the features to comma separated value (CSV) format, go to the location of the features on the map, or clear the selection and highlight a different set of features.

Selected features display differently depending on the type of symbol you have used to style your data. In Esri Maps for Office, you can use icons or shapes to style your data. See Feature display and style for more information.

When selecting features on the map, features that are styled with icons are always shown with a orange halo, while features that are styled with shapes use the selection color specified in the Map Configuration.
  1. Click the Select button on the ribbon to display the Select dialog box.
  2. Click the Select button and draw a box around the features on the map that you want to select. The features within the box become highlighted. This step can be repeated multiple times to add features to the selection.
    The Select dialog box.
  3. Return to the Select dialog box to perform and of the following actions upon your selection:
    • Click Find near selection to find features in other layers that are near your original selection. Pick the layer to search within in the 'What do you want to find' box. The search area can be a ring or a drive time with a distance or time of your choosing. Click Find to find nearby features.
    • Click the Export button to save the selected rows as a new file in the comma separated value (CSV) format.
      The Select window showing Export options
    • To highlight the rows in the spreadsheet corresponding to the selected map features, click View selected records.
    • To deselect all features in the current layer, click the Clear selection button. To deselect a subset of features from the current selection, click the Remove from selection button and draw a box around the features that should be removed.

      Features can only be cleared or removed from one layer at a time.
