World Boundaries and Places
Map Service Name: World_Boundaries_and_Places
Description: This map presents country boundaries, first-order (State/Province) internal administrative boundaries for most countries, second-order administrative boundaries for the United States (counties) and some countries in Europe, and place-names for the world. The map was developed by Esri using administrative and cities data from Esri and DeLorme basemap layers for the world. This map is designed to be overlaid on maps with darker backgrounds, such as imagery basemaps.
Attribution: Copyright: © 2011 Esri, DeLorme
Coordinate System: Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere
Units of Measure: esriMeters
- XMin: -2.0037507067161843E7
- YMin: -1.9971868880408604E7
- XMax: 2.0037507067161843E7
- YMax: 1.99718688804085E7
Spatial Reference: 102100
Map DPI: 96
Tile Size of Map Cache: 256 pixels by 256 pixels
Map Service Data Format: Map server cache in PNG32 format
Map Service Size: 560 MB
Map Service Size on Disk: 560 MB
Map Service Number of Files: 81
Cached Map Scales:
- 1:5.91657527591555E8
- 1:2.95828763795777E8
- 1:1.47914381897889E8
- 1:7.3957190948944E7
- 1:3.6978595474472E7
- 1:1.8489297737236E7
- 1:9244648.868618
- 1:4622324.434309
- 1:2311162.217155
- 1:1155581.108577