What's new in server object extensions at 10.1

About what's new in server object extensions at 10.1

ArcGIS for Server 10.1 has many changes that affect server object extensions (SOE) and make them generally easier to deploy. The following are some differences of which you should be aware:
  • One-step deployment
  • The templates for building REST and SOAP SOEs have been upgraded for 10.1. In the .NET template, .NET attributes contain all the essential information about your SOE, such as the properties and capabilities it exposes. This allows the SOE to be packaged and prepared for deployment when you build the software. You'll also notice that .NET SOEs no longer derive from ServicedComponent. The migration path to 10.1 for .NET SOEs is to copy your existing code or projects into the new templates and rebuild.
  • 64-bit requirement—Since ArcGIS for Server is now supported only on 64-bit operating systems, you must build your SOE to be 64-bit compatible.
  • Manager integration—A new panel in Manager allows you to view your available SOEs and deploy new ones.
  • More debugging options—Manager now allows you to set a delay on service startup, allowing you to hit breakpoints and step into SOE code that executes when the service starts.
  • Easier access and customization of property pages—If your SOE exposes properties, a basic property page is now created automatically that administrators can see when editing your service in Manager. (In previous releases of ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework, you had to develop this property page yourself.) If you want advanced page elements beyond the default input text boxes, you can develop your own property pages for Manager. You can also write property pages that integrate with the Service Editor dialog box in ArcGIS for Desktop.
  • Easier access of SOE properties in ArcGIS for Desktop—You no longer have to stop a service to edit its properties in the Catalog tree. This means that while a service is running, you can access the SOE to enable it and modify its properties page. When you apply the changes, the service is restarted.