// Copyright 2012 ESRI // // All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States // and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions. // // You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or // without modification, provided you include the original copyright // notice and use restrictions. // // See the use restrictions. // // Implementation of the CSampleProvCommand #include "stdafx.h" #include "SampleProvider.h" #include "SampleProvRS.h" static HRESULT ParseCommand( CComBSTR& cmd, CString& colNames, int& colNamesBegin, int& colNamesEnd, CString& tblNames, int& tblNameBegin, int& tblNameEnd, CString& whereClause, int& whereClauseBegin, int& whereClauseEnd ) { CString lowerCmd(cmd); int length = cmd.Length(); lowerCmd.MakeLower(); // Parse out table name(s) tblNameBegin = lowerCmd.Find(_T("from ")); // Illegal SELECT command if( tblNameBegin == -1 || lowerCmd.Find(_T("select ")) == -1 ) return DB_E_ERRORSINCOMMAND; tblNameBegin += 5; int wherePos = lowerCmd.Find(_T("where ")); if (wherePos != -1) { tblNameEnd = wherePos; // Parse out the where clause // whereClauseBegin = wherePos + 6; whereClauseEnd = length; if (whereClause) whereClause = lowerCmd.Mid(whereClauseBegin, whereClauseEnd - whereClauseBegin); } else { tblNameEnd = length; } int orderbyClause; if ((orderbyClause = lowerCmd.Find(_T("order "))) != -1 || (orderbyClause = lowerCmd.Find(_T("group "))) != -1) { return E_FAIL; } if (tblNames) { tblNames = lowerCmd.Mid(tblNameBegin, tblNameEnd - tblNameBegin); tblNames.TrimLeft(); tblNames.TrimRight(); } // Parse out the column name(s) // int selectPos = lowerCmd.Find(_T("select ")); colNamesBegin = selectPos + 7; colNamesEnd = tblNameBegin - 6; if (colNames) { colNames = lowerCmd.Mid(colNamesBegin, colNamesEnd - colNamesBegin); colNames.TrimLeft(); colNames.TrimRight(); } return S_OK; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CSampleProvCommand methods HRESULT CSampleProvCommand::SetupSpatialFilter( DBPARAMS* pParams, IGeometry** ppGeometry, esriSpatialRelEnum* pSpatialRel, OLECHAR** ppSpatialColName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; *pSpatialRel = esriSpatialRelUndefined; if (pParams == 0 || m_nSetParams == 0) // No parameters return S_FALSE; struct SpatialParamsDef { const OLECHAR *name; DBTYPE type; }; static SpatialParamsDef spatialParams[] = { { OLESTR("SPATIAL_FILTER"), DBTYPE_VARIANT }, { OLESTR("SPATIAL_OPERATOR"), DBTYPE_UI4 }, { OLESTR("SPATIAL_GEOM_COL_NAME"), DBTYPE_BSTR } }; ULONG spatialFilterParam = 0, spatialOpParam = 0, spatialGeoColNameParam = 0; // Check for the OGIS spatial parameters. Currently, these are the only parameters we expect for (ULONG j = 0; j < m_nSetParams; j++) { ParamInfo ¶mInfo = m_paramInfo[j]; ULONG i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof(spatialParams) / sizeof(spatialParams[0]); i++) { // ADO does not pass parameter names down, so we must check type if( (paramInfo.pwszName != 0 && ::wcsicmp(paramInfo.pwszName, spatialParams[i].name) == 0) || (paramInfo.wType == spatialParams[i].type)) { switch (i) { case 0: case 3: spatialFilterParam = paramInfo.iOrdinal; break; case 1: spatialOpParam = paramInfo.iOrdinal; break; case 2: spatialGeoColNameParam = paramInfo.iOrdinal; break; } break; } } // Didn't find a spatial filter parameter - for now just return OK if (i == sizeof(spatialParams) / sizeof(spatialParams[0])) { return S_OK; } } // Get the values of the parameters & convert to ESRI objects ATLBINDINGS *pBind = (ATLBINDINGS *)pParams->hAccessor; if( pBind->cBindings != 3 ) return E_FAIL; ULONG ogisSpatialOp = 0; WCHAR *pSpatialGeoColName = 0; VARIANT *pFilter = 0; for( ULONG i = 0; i < pBind->cBindings; i++ ) { const DBBINDING &binding = pBind->pBindings[i]; char* pValue = (char*)pParams->pData + binding.obValue; VARIANT *pVariant = (VARIANT *)pValue; if (binding.iOrdinal == spatialFilterParam) { if (binding.wType != DBTYPE_VARIANT || V_VT( pVariant ) != (VT_ARRAY|VT_UI1)) return E_FAIL; pFilter = pVariant; } else if (binding.iOrdinal == spatialOpParam) { if (binding.wType == DBTYPE_VARIANT) { if (V_VT(pVariant) != VT_UI4 && V_VT(pVariant) != VT_I4) return E_FAIL; ogisSpatialOp = (ULONG)V_I4(pVariant); } else if (binding.wType == DBTYPE_UI4 || binding.wType == DBTYPE_I4) { ogisSpatialOp = (ULONG)*pValue; } } else if (binding.iOrdinal == spatialGeoColNameParam) { if (binding.wType == DBTYPE_VARIANT) { if (V_VT(pVariant) != VT_BSTR) return E_FAIL; pSpatialGeoColName = (WCHAR *)V_BSTR(pVariant); } else if (binding.wType == DBTYPE_WSTR || binding.wType == DBTYPE_BSTR) { pSpatialGeoColName = (WCHAR *)pValue; } } else { ASSERT( 0 ); return E_FAIL; } } // Convert the WKB back to an ESRI geometry object ASSERT(pFilter != 0); BYTE* pBytes = 0; if( FAILED(hr = ::SafeArrayAccessData(V_ARRAY(pFilter), (void **)&pBytes))) return E_FAIL; long cBytesRead; IGeometryFactoryPtr ipGeomFact(CLSID_GeometryEnvironment); hr = ipGeomFact->CreateGeometryFromWkb(&cBytesRead, pBytes, ppGeometry); ::SafeArrayUnaccessData(V_ARRAY(pFilter)); if (FAILED(hr)) return E_FAIL; *ppSpatialColName = pSpatialGeoColName; if( (*pSpatialRel = ::MapOGISSpatialOpToESRISpatialRel(ogisSpatialOp)) == esriSpatialRelUndefined ) return E_FAIL; return hr; } STDMETHODIMP CSampleProvCommand::SetCommandText(REFGUID rguidDialect, LPCOLESTR pwszCommand) { HRESULT hr = ICommandTextImpl<CSampleProvCommand>::SetCommandText(rguidDialect, pwszCommand); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; m_ipTable = 0; m_ipQueryFilter = 0; return S_OK; } HRESULT CSampleProvCommand::Execute(IUnknown * pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, DBPARAMS * pParams, LONG * pcRowsAffected, IUnknown ** ppRowset) { CSampleProvRowset* pRowset; HRESULT hr; // Get back to the Session object so we can get the Workspace ATLASSERT(m_spUnkSite != 0); CComPtr<IGetDataSource> ipGDS; m_spUnkSite->QueryInterface(IID_IGetDataSource, (void **)&ipGDS); CSampleProvSession *pSess = static_cast<CSampleProvSession *>((IGetDataSource*)ipGDS); IFeatureWorkspacePtr ipFWS(pSess->m_ipWS); if( ipFWS == 0 ) return E_FAIL; int colNamesStart, colNamesEnd, tblNameStart, tblNameEnd, whereClauseStart, whereClauseEnd; CString colNames, tableNames, whereClause; // Parse the SQL query if (FAILED(hr = ParseCommand(this->m_strCommandText, colNames, colNamesStart, colNamesEnd, tableNames, tblNameStart, tblNameEnd, whereClause, whereClauseStart, whereClauseEnd))) return hr; // Setup the spatial parameters (if any) IGeometryPtr ipGeometry; esriSpatialRelEnum spatialRel; OLECHAR* pSpatialColName; if (FAILED(hr = SetupSpatialFilter(pParams, &ipGeometry, &spatialRel, &pSpatialColName))) return hr; // Create the query filter objects if (ipGeometry != 0 && spatialRel != esriSpatialRelUndefined && pSpatialColName != 0) { ISpatialFilterPtr ipSQF(CLSID_SpatialFilter); hr = ipSQF->putref_Geometry(ipGeometry); hr = ipSQF->put_SpatialRel(spatialRel); hr = ipSQF->put_GeometryField(CComBSTR(pSpatialColName)); m_ipQueryFilter = ipSQF; } else { IQueryFilterPtr ipQF(CLSID_QueryFilter); m_ipQueryFilter = ipQF; } m_ipQueryFilter->put_SubFields(CComBSTR(colNames)); if (! whereClause.IsEmpty()) m_ipQueryFilter->put_WhereClause(CComBSTR(whereClause)); if (m_ipTable == 0) if (FAILED(hr = ipFWS->OpenTable(CComBSTR(tableNames), &m_ipTable))) return hr; return CreateRowset(pUnkOuter, riid, pParams, pcRowsAffected, ppRowset, pRowset); }