ArcGIS Network Analyst extension Engine application
// Copyright 2012 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

using System;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.NetworkAnalyst;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// This form allows users to load locations from another point feature layer into the selected NALayer and active category.
namespace NAEngine
  public class frmLoadLocations : System.Windows.Forms.Form
    private System.Windows.Forms.Label lblInputData;
    private System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox chkUseSelection;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnCancel;
    private System.Windows.Forms.Button btnOK;
    /// <summary>
    /// Required designer variable.
    /// </summary>
    private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
    private System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox cboInputData;

    bool m_okClicked;
    System.Collections.IList m_listDisplayTable;

    public frmLoadLocations()
      // Required for Windows Form Designer support


    /// <summary>
    /// Clean up any resources being used.
    /// </summary>
    protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
      if (disposing)
        if (components != null)

    #region Windows Form Designer generated code
    /// <summary>
    /// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
    /// the contents of this method with the code editor.
    /// </summary>
    private void InitializeComponent()
      this.cboInputData = new System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox();
      this.lblInputData = new System.Windows.Forms.Label();
      this.chkUseSelection = new System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox();
      this.btnCancel = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
      this.btnOK = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
      // cboInputData
      this.cboInputData.DropDownStyle = System.Windows.Forms.ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
      this.cboInputData.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(82, 9);
      this.cboInputData.Name = "cboInputData";
      this.cboInputData.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(381, 21);
      this.cboInputData.TabIndex = 0;
      this.cboInputData.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.cboInputData_SelectedIndexChanged);
      // lblInputData
      this.lblInputData.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(12, 12);
      this.lblInputData.Name = "lblInputData";
      this.lblInputData.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(64, 24);
      this.lblInputData.TabIndex = 1;
      this.lblInputData.Text = "Input Data";
      // chkUseSelection
      this.chkUseSelection.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(15, 39);
      this.chkUseSelection.Name = "chkUseSelection";
      this.chkUseSelection.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(419, 16);
      this.chkUseSelection.TabIndex = 2;
      this.chkUseSelection.Text = "Use Selection";
      // btnCancel
      this.btnCancel.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
      this.btnCancel.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(351, 61);
      this.btnCancel.Name = "btnCancel";
      this.btnCancel.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(112, 32);
      this.btnCancel.TabIndex = 6;
      this.btnCancel.Text = "&Cancel";
      this.btnCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnCancel_Click);
      // btnOK
      this.btnOK.Anchor = ((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles)((System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Bottom | System.Windows.Forms.AnchorStyles.Right)));
      this.btnOK.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(223, 61);
      this.btnOK.Name = "btnOK";
      this.btnOK.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(112, 32);
      this.btnOK.TabIndex = 5;
      this.btnOK.Text = "&OK";
      this.btnOK.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.btnOK_Click);
      // frmLoadLocations
      this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
      this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(479, 100);
      this.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
      this.Name = "frmLoadLocations";
      this.ShowInTaskbar = false;
      this.Text = "Load Locations";


    public bool ShowModal(IMapControl3 mapControl, IEngineNetworkAnalystEnvironment naEnv)
      // Initialize variables
      m_okClicked = false;
      m_listDisplayTable = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

      var activeCategory = naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveCategory as IEngineNAWindowCategory2;
      if (activeCategory == null)
        return false;

      IDataLayer dataLayer = activeCategory.DataLayer;
      if (dataLayer == null)
        return false;

      // Set up the title of this dialog
      String dataLayerName = GetDataLayerName(dataLayer);
      if (dataLayerName.Length == 0)
        return false;

      this.Text = "Load Items into " + dataLayerName;

      // Make sure the combo box lists only the appropriate possible input data layers
      PopulateInputDataComboBox(mapControl, dataLayer);

      //Select the first display table from the list
      if (cboInputData.Items.Count > 0)
        cboInputData.SelectedIndex = 0;

      // Show the window

      // If we selected a layer and clicked OK, load the locations
      if (m_okClicked && (cboInputData.SelectedIndex >= 0))
          // Get a cursor on the source display table (either though the selection set or table)
          // Use IDisplayTable because it accounts for joins, querydefs, etc.
          // IDisplayTable is implemented by FeatureLayers and StandaloneTables.
          IDisplayTable displayTable = m_listDisplayTable[cboInputData.SelectedIndex] as IDisplayTable;
          ICursor cursor;
          if (chkUseSelection.Checked)
            ISelectionSet selSet;
            selSet = displayTable.DisplaySelectionSet;
            selSet.Search(null, false, out cursor);
            cursor = displayTable.SearchDisplayTable(null, false);

          // Get the NAContext from the active analysis layer
          INAContext naContext = naEnv.NAWindow.ActiveAnalysis.Context;

          // Get the dataset for the active NAClass  
          IDataset naDataset = activeCategory.NAClass as IDataset;

          // Setup NAClassLoader and Load Locations
          INAClassLoader2 naClassLoader = new NAClassLoader() as INAClassLoader2;
          naClassLoader.Initialize(naContext, naDataset.Name, cursor);

          // Avoid loading network locations onto non-traversable portions of elements
          INALocator3 locator = naContext.Locator as INALocator3;
          locator.ExcludeRestrictedElements = true;

          int rowsIn = 0;
          int rowsLocated = 0;
          naClassLoader.Load(cursor, null, ref rowsIn, ref rowsLocated);

          // Let the user know if some of the rows failed to locate
          if (rowsIn != rowsLocated)
            MessageBox.Show("Out of " + rowsIn + " + rows, " + rowsLocated + " rows were located", 
                    "Loading locations", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        catch (Exception e)
          MessageBox.Show(e.Message, "Loading locations failure", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error );          

        return true;

      return false;

    private String GetDataLayerName(IDataLayer dataLayer)
      var pFeatureLayer = dataLayer as IFeatureLayer;
      var pStandaloneTable = dataLayer as IStandaloneTable;
      var pLayer = dataLayer as ILayer;

      if (pFeatureLayer != null && pLayer.Valid)
        return pLayer.Name;
      else if (pStandaloneTable != null)
        return pStandaloneTable.Name;

      return "";

    private esriGeometryType GetDataLayerGeometryType(IDataLayer dataLayer)
      var pFeatureLayer = dataLayer as IFeatureLayer;
      var pLayer = dataLayer as ILayer;
      if (pFeatureLayer != null && pLayer.Valid)
        IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
        if (pFeatureClass != null)
          return pFeatureClass.ShapeType;

      return esriGeometryType.esriGeometryNull;

    private void PopulateInputDataComboBox(IMapControl3 mapControl, IDataLayer dataLayer)
      esriGeometryType targetGeoType = GetDataLayerGeometryType(dataLayer);

      IEnumLayer sourceLayers = null;
      ILayer sourceLayer = null;
      IDisplayTable sourceDisplayTable = null;
      UID searchInterfaceUID = new UID();

      if (targetGeoType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryNull)
        // Only include layers that are of type IFeatureLayer
        searchInterfaceUID.Value = typeof(IFeatureLayer).GUID.ToString("B");
        sourceLayers = mapControl.Map.get_Layers(searchInterfaceUID, true);

        // iterate over all of the feature layers
        sourceLayer = sourceLayers.Next();
        while (sourceLayer != null)
          // Verify that the layer is a feature layer and a display table
          IFeatureLayer sourceFeatureLayer = sourceLayer as IFeatureLayer;
          sourceDisplayTable = sourceLayer as IDisplayTable;
          if ((sourceFeatureLayer != null) && (sourceDisplayTable != null))
            // Make sure that the geometry of the feature layer matches the geometry
            //   of the class into which we are loading
            IFeatureClass sourceFeatureClass = sourceFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            esriGeometryType sourceGeoType = sourceFeatureClass.ShapeType;
            if ((sourceGeoType == targetGeoType) ||
               (targetGeoType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint && sourceGeoType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint))
              // Add the layer name to the combobox and the layer to the list

          sourceLayer = sourceLayers.Next();
      // The layer being loaded into has no geometry type
        // Find all of the standalone table that are not part of an NALayer
        IStandaloneTableCollection sourceStandaloneTables = mapControl.Map as IStandaloneTableCollection;
        IStandaloneTable sourceStandaloneTable = null;
        sourceDisplayTable = null;

        int count = 0;
        if (sourceStandaloneTables != null)
          count = sourceStandaloneTables.StandaloneTableCount;

        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
          sourceStandaloneTable = sourceStandaloneTables.get_StandaloneTable(i);
          sourceDisplayTable = sourceStandaloneTable as IDisplayTable;

          if ((sourceStandaloneTable != null) && (sourceDisplayTable != null))
            // Add the table name to the combobox and the layer to the list

        // Find all of the standalone tables that are part of an NALayer
        searchInterfaceUID.Value = typeof(INALayer).GUID.ToString("B");
        sourceLayers = mapControl.Map.get_Layers(searchInterfaceUID, true);

        sourceLayer = sourceLayers.Next();
        while (sourceLayer != null)
          INALayer sourceNALayer = sourceLayer as INALayer;
          if (sourceNALayer != null)
            sourceStandaloneTables = sourceNALayer as IStandaloneTableCollection;
            sourceStandaloneTable = null;
            sourceDisplayTable = null;

            count = 0;
            if (sourceStandaloneTables != null)
              count = sourceStandaloneTables.StandaloneTableCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
              sourceStandaloneTable = sourceStandaloneTables.get_StandaloneTable(i);
              sourceDisplayTable = sourceStandaloneTable as IDisplayTable;

              if ((sourceStandaloneTable != null) && (sourceDisplayTable != null))
                // Add the table name to the combobox and the layer to the list

          sourceLayer = sourceLayers.Next();

    private void btnOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      m_okClicked = true;

    private void btnCancel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      m_okClicked = false;

    private void cboInputData_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
      // Set the chkUseSelectedFeatures control based on if anything is selected or not
      if (cboInputData.SelectedIndex >= 0)
        IDisplayTable displayTable = m_listDisplayTable[cboInputData.SelectedIndex] as IDisplayTable;
        chkUseSelection.Checked = (displayTable.DisplaySelectionSet.Count > 0);
        chkUseSelection.Enabled = (displayTable.DisplaySelectionSet.Count > 0);