Move a graphic along a path in ArcMap
// Copyright 2012 ESRI
// All rights reserved under the copyright laws of the United States
// and applicable international laws, treaties, and conventions.
// You may freely redistribute and use this sample code, with or
// without modification, provided you include the original copyright
// notice and use restrictions.
// See the use restrictions.

using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Animation;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.SystemUI;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase;
using ESRI.ArcGIS.Display;

namespace AnimationDeveloperSamples
    public class MapGraphicKeyframe:IAGKeyframe, IAGKeyframeUI
        private ILongArray activeProps;
        private IAGAnimationType animType;
        private string name;
        private bool bObjectsNeedRefresh;
        private IPoint Position;
        private double Rotation;
        private double timeStamp;

        #region constructor
        public MapGraphicKeyframe()
            activeProps = new LongArrayClass();
            animType = new AnimationTypeMapGraphic();
            name = "";
            bObjectsNeedRefresh = false;
            Position = new PointClass();
            Rotation = 0.0;
            timeStamp = 0.0;

        #region IAGKeyframe members
        public ILongArray ActiveProperties 
            get {
                return activeProps;
            set {
                activeProps = value;

        public IAGAnimationType AnimationType 
            get {
                return animType;

        public void Apply(IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer, object pObject)
            IElement elem = (IElement) pObject;



        public void CaptureProperties(IAGAnimationContainer pContainer, object pObject)
            IElement elem = pObject as IElement;
            IActiveView view = pContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainerSelect graphicsConSel = view as IGraphicsContainerSelect;
            IDisplay disp = view.ScreenDisplay as IDisplay;
            IEnvelope elemEnv = GetElementBound(elem,pContainer);

            if (elem.Geometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                Position = elem.Geometry as IPoint;
                IEnvelope elementEnvelope = elem.Geometry.Envelope;
                IArea elementArea = elementEnvelope as IArea;
                Position = elementArea.Centroid;

            IElementProperties elemProps = (IElementProperties)elem;
                Rotation = (double)elemProps.CustomProperty;

        public void Interpolate(IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer,
            object pObject, int propertyIndex, double time, IAGKeyframe pNextKeyframe,
            IAGKeyframe pPrevKeyframe, IAGKeyframe pAfterNextKeyframe)
            if (time < TimeStamp || time > pNextKeyframe.TimeStamp)

            IElement elem = (IElement)pObject;
            IPoint new_pos = new PointClass();
            if (propertyIndex == 0)
                double x1;
                double y1;
                IPoint nextPosition = (IPoint)pNextKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0);

                double timeFactor;
                timeFactor = (time - TimeStamp) / (pNextKeyframe.TimeStamp - TimeStamp); //ignoring pPrevKeyframe and pAfterNextKeyframe

                x1 = Position.X * (1 - timeFactor) + nextPosition.X * timeFactor;
                y1 = Position.Y * (1 - timeFactor) + nextPosition.Y * timeFactor;
                new_pos.PutCoords(x1, y1);

                if (!(elem is ILineElement))
                    MoveElement(elem, new_pos, pContainer);
                    TracePath(elem, new_pos, pContainer, pTrack, this);
                    bObjectsNeedRefresh = true;
            if (propertyIndex == 1)
                //this property only applies to the point graphic 
                if (!(elem is ILineElement))
                    RotateElement(elem, Rotation, pContainer);
                    bObjectsNeedRefresh = true;


        public bool get_IsActiveProperty(int propIndex)
            bool bIsActive = false;
            int count = activeProps.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                long temp = activeProps.get_Element(i);
                if (temp == propIndex)
                    bIsActive = true;
            return bIsActive;

        public void set_IsActiveProperty(int propIndex, bool pbIsActiveProp)
            if (pbIsActiveProp)
                if (get_IsActiveProperty(propIndex) == false)
                if (get_IsActiveProperty(propIndex) == true)
                    int i = 0;
                    int count = activeProps.Count;
                    for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        long temp = activeProps.get_Element(i);
                        if (temp == propIndex)

        public string Name 
            get {
                return name;

            set {
                name = value;
        public bool ObjectNeedsRefresh 
            get {
                return bObjectsNeedRefresh;
        public object get_PropertyValue(int propIndex)
            if (propIndex == 0)
                return (object)Position;
            else if (propIndex == 1)
                return (object)Rotation;
                return null;

        public void set_PropertyValue(int propIndex, object pValue)
            if (propIndex == 0)
                Position = (IPoint)pValue;
            else if (propIndex == 1)
                Rotation = (Double)pValue;

        public void RefreshObject(IAGAnimationTrack pTrack,
            IAGAnimationContainer pContainer, object pObject)
            RefreshGraphicObject((IElement)pObject, pContainer);
        public double TimeStamp
            get {
                return timeStamp;

            set {
                timeStamp = value;

        #region IAGKeyframeUI members
        public string GetText(int propIndex, int columnIndex)
            string text;
            text = null;
            switch (propIndex)
                case 0:
                        if (columnIndex == 0)
                            text = System.Convert.ToString(Position.X);
                        if (columnIndex == 1)
                            text = System.Convert.ToString(Position.Y);
                case 1:
                    text = System.Convert.ToString(Rotation);
            return text;

        public void SetText(int propIndex, int columnIndex, string text)
            switch (propIndex)
                case 0:
                        if (columnIndex == 0)
                            Position.X = System.Convert.ToDouble(text);
                        if (columnIndex == 1)
                            Position.Y = System.Convert.ToDouble(text);
                case 1:
                        Rotation = System.Convert.ToDouble(text);


        #region private methods
        private void RotateElement(IElement elem, double new_angle, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer)
            ITransform2D transform2D = elem as ITransform2D;
            IPoint rotateOrigin;

            if (elem.Geometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                rotateOrigin = elem.Geometry as IPoint;
                IEnvelope elementEnvelope = elem.Geometry.Envelope;
                IArea elementArea = elementEnvelope as IArea;
                rotateOrigin = elementArea.Centroid;


            IElementProperties prop = (IElementProperties)elem; //record the old properties
            IPropertySet propSet;
            propSet = (IPropertySet)prop.CustomProperty;
            double old_angle;
            old_angle = (double)propSet.GetProperty("Angle");

            propSet.SetProperty("Angle", new_angle); //update old angle

            transform2D.Rotate(rotateOrigin, new_angle-old_angle);

        private void TracePath(IElement elem, IPoint new_pos, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer, IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IAGKeyframe pKeyframe)
            IAGAnimationTrackExtensions trackExtensions = (IAGAnimationTrackExtensions)(pTrack);
            IMapGraphicTrackExtension graphicTrackExtension;
            if (trackExtensions.ExtensionCount == 0) //if there is no extension, add one
                graphicTrackExtension = new MapGraphicTrackExtension();
                graphicTrackExtension = (IMapGraphicTrackExtension)trackExtensions.get_Extension(0);

            ILineElement path = graphicTrackExtension.TraceElement;

            bool showTrace = graphicTrackExtension.ShowTrace;
            if (!showTrace)
                if (CheckGraphicExistance((IElement)path, pContainer))
                    RemoveGraphicFromDisplay((IElement)path, pContainer);

            //Add the path to the graphic container
            if (!CheckGraphicExistance((IElement)path, pContainer))
                AddGraphicToDisplay((IElement)path, pContainer);

            RecreateLineGeometry((IElement)path, pTrack, pKeyframe, new_pos);

        private void AddGraphicToDisplay(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer animContainer)
            IActiveView view = animContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = view as IGraphicsContainer;
            graphicsContainer.AddElement(elem, 0);            

        private void RemoveGraphicFromDisplay(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer animContainer)
            IActiveView view = animContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = view as IGraphicsContainer;

        private bool CheckGraphicExistance(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer animContainer)
            IActiveView view = animContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = view as IGraphicsContainer;

            bool exists = false;
            IElement temp = graphicsContainer.Next();
            while (temp != null)
                if (temp == elem)
                    exists = true;
                temp = graphicsContainer.Next();
            return exists;

        private void MoveElement(IElement elem, IPoint new_pos, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer)
            ITransform2D transform2D = elem as ITransform2D;
            IPoint origin;

            if (elem.Geometry.GeometryType == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                origin = elem.Geometry as IPoint;
                IEnvelope elementEnvelope = elem.Geometry.Envelope;
                IArea elementArea = elementEnvelope as IArea;
                origin = elementArea.Centroid;


            IElementProperties prop = (IElementProperties)elem; //record the old properties
            IPropertySet propSet;
            propSet = (IPropertySet)prop.CustomProperty;
            IEnvelope oldEnv = GetElementBound(elem, pContainer);
            propSet.SetProperty("Envelope", oldEnv);

            transform2D.Move(new_pos.X - origin.X, new_pos.Y - origin.Y);

        private void RecreateLineGeometry(IElement elem, IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IAGKeyframe pKeyframe, IPoint new_pos)
            IGeometry newGeometry = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection newPointCol = (IPointCollection)newGeometry;

            IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes trackKeyframes = (IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes)pTrack;
            int tCount = trackKeyframes.KeyframeCount;
            object missing = Type.Missing;
            for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
                IAGKeyframe tempKeyframe = trackKeyframes.get_Keyframe(i);
                newPointCol.AddPoint((IPoint)tempKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0), ref missing, ref missing);
                if ((IPoint)tempKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0) == (IPoint)pKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0))
            if (new_pos != null)
                newPointCol.AddPoint(new_pos, ref missing, ref missing);

            elem.Geometry = newGeometry;

        private IEnvelope GetElementBound(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer)
            IActiveView view = pContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainerSelect graphicsContainerSelect = view as IGraphicsContainerSelect;
            IDisplay disp = view.ScreenDisplay as IDisplay;
            IEnvelope elementEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
            elem.QueryBounds(disp, elementEnvelope);

            if (graphicsContainerSelect.ElementSelected(elem))
                elementEnvelope = elem.SelectionTracker.get_Bounds(disp);

            return elementEnvelope;

        private void UpdateGraphicObject(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer, IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IPoint new_pos, double new_angle)
            if (elem == null||new_pos==null)
                return; //invalidate parameter

            MoveElement(elem, new_pos, pContainer);
            RotateElement(elem, new_angle, pContainer);


        private void AddPropertySet(IElement elem)
            if (elem == null)
                return; //invalidate parameter

            IElementProperties prop = (IElementProperties)elem; //record the old properties
            IPropertySet propSet;
            if (prop.CustomProperty == null)
                propSet = new PropertySetClass();
                propSet.SetProperty("Envelope", null);
                propSet.SetProperty("Angle", 0.0);
                prop.CustomProperty = propSet;

        private void RefreshGraphicObject(IElement elem, IAGAnimationContainer pContainer)
            IActiveView view = pContainer.CurrentView as IActiveView;
            IEnvelope elemEnv = GetElementBound(elem, pContainer);

            IEnvelope oldEnv = new EnvelopeClass();
            IElementProperties2 elemProps2 = (IElementProperties2) elem;
            oldEnv = (IEnvelope) elemProps2.CustomProperty;

            IViewRefresh animRefresh = (IViewRefresh)view;

            if (oldEnv != null)

            animRefresh.AnimationRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, elem, elemEnv);