How to create a toolbox from a function factory

Creating a toolbox from a function factory

Once a user develops a function tool or a set of function tools, the tools must be added to a toolbox before consumption. This toolbox will contain all the function tools available in that function factory. This custom toolbox can be created in a folder or a geodatabase. ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine developers can do this by using the CreateToolboxFromFactory method of IGPUtilities3.
To create a custom toolbox from a function factory, see the following code example:
IGPUtilities3 gpUtilities = new GPUtilitiesClass();

// Create the toolbox containing function tools from the function factory.
// Provide the alias name of the function factory, a location where the toolbox is to be created, 
// and the name of the function factory.
gpUtilities.CreateToolboxFromFactory("area", @"C:\GPSDK", "AreaCalculation");
Dim pGPUtilities As IGPUtilities3
pGPUtilities = New GPUtilities

' Create the toolbox containing function tools from the function factory.
' Provide the alias name of the function factory, a location where the toolbox is to be created,
' and the name of the function factory.
pGPUtilities.CreateToolboxFromFactory("area", "C:\GPSDK", "AreaCalculation")

See Also:

Building a custom geoprocessing function tool

Development licensing Deployment licensing
ArcGIS for Desktop Basic ArcGIS for Desktop Basic
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard ArcGIS for Desktop Standard
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced
Engine Developer Kit Engine