Working with helper objects

This topic provides details on working with helper objects for spatial analysis operations.

About working with helper objects

The Spatial Analyst object model is composed of a collection of objects to perform raster analysis. Where most of the objects perform spatial operations, a small group of objects (commonly referred to as helper objects) are used to specify arguments, such as, neighborhood in a focal statistics operation. These objects are available in GeoAnalyst and SpatialAnalyst objects libraries. 
The following table shows all helper objects and methods that require the helper object:
Helper object
BlockStatistics, FocalStatistics, PointDensity, PointStatistics
PathAllocation, PathBackLink, PathDistance, PathDistanceFull
PathAllocation, PathBackLink, PathDistance, PathDistanceFull
The following code example shows how to create the NumberRemap helper object:
public void UsingNumberRemap()
    IRasterDataset inRaster;
    inRaster = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\temp", "degs2");
    //Create the NumberRemap object. 
    INumberRemap numRemap;
    numRemap = new NumberRemapClass();
    numRemap.MapRange(0.0, 15.0, 1);
    numRemap.MapRange(15.0, 55.0, 2);
    numRemap.MapRange(55.0, 300.0, 3);
    numRemap.MapRange(300.0, 1000.0, 4);
    IReclassOp reclassOp;
    reclassOp = new RasterReclassOpClass();
    //Use the NumberRemap object in RasterReclassOp. 
    IRaster rasOut;
    rasOut = (IRaster)reclassOp.ReclassByRemap((IGeoDataset)inRaster, numRemap as
        IRemap, true);
Public Sub UsingNumberRemap()
    Dim inRaster As IRasterDataset
    inRaster = OpenRasterDataset("c:\temp", "degs2")
    'Create the NumberRemap object.
    Dim numRemap As INumberRemap
    numRemap = New NumberRemapClass()
    numRemap.MapRange(0.0, 15.0, 1)
    numRemap.MapRange(15.0, 55.0, 2)
    numRemap.MapRange(55.0, 300.0, 3)
    numRemap.MapRange(300.0, 1000.0, 4)
    Dim reclassOp As IReclassOp
    reclassOp = New RasterReclassOpClass()
    'Use the NumberRemap object in RasterReclassOp.
    Dim rasOut As IRaster
    rasOut = reclassOp.ReclassByRemap(inRaster, numRemap, True)
End Sub
The following code example shows how to create the RasterRadius helper object:
public void UsingRasterRadius()
    IFeatureClass fcClass01 = default(IFeatureClass);
    fcClass01 = OpenFeatureClassFromShapefile("c:\\temp", "ca.shp");
    // Create FeatureClassDescriptor using a value field. 
    IFeatureClassDescriptor fcDescr = default(IFeatureClassDescriptor);
    fcDescr = new FeatureClassDescriptorClass();
    fcDescr.Create(fcClass01, null, "Ozone");
    // Create raster radius using variable distance. 
    IRasterRadius rasRadius = default(IRasterRadius);
    object object_Missing = System.Type.Missing;
    rasRadius = new RasterRadiusClass();
    rasRadius.SetVariable(12, ref object_Missing);
    //RasterInterpolationOp - Method.
    IRaster rasOut = default(IRaster);
    IInterpolationOp interpOp = default(IInterpolationOp);
    interpOp = new RasterInterpolationOpClass();
    rasOut = (IRaster)interpOp.Krige((IGeoDataset)fcDescr,
        rasRadius, false, ref object_Missing);
Public Sub UsingRasterRadius()
    Dim fcClass01 As IFeatureClass
    fcClass01 = OpenFeatureClassFromShapefile("c:\temp", "ca.shp")
    ' Create FeatureClassDescriptor using a value field.
    Dim fcDescr As IFeatureClassDescriptor
    fcDescr = New FeatureClassDescriptorClass()
    fcDescr.Create(fcClass01, Nothing, "Ozone")
    ' Create raster radius using variable distance.
    Dim rasRadius As IRasterRadius
    rasRadius = New RasterRadiusClass()
    'RasterInterpolationOp - Method.
    Dim rasOut As IRaster
    Dim interpOp As IInterpolationOp
    interpOp = New RasterInterpolationOpClass()
    rasOut = interpOp.Krige(fcDescr, esriGeoAnalysisSemiVariogramEnum.esriGeoAnalysisExponentialSemiVariogram, rasRadius, False)
End Sub
The following code example shows how to create the RasterNeighborhood helper object:
public void UsingRasterNeighborhood()
    INeighborhoodOp neighborhoodOp;
    neighborhoodOp = new RasterNeighborhoodOpClass();
    //Input raster. 
    IGeoDataset inRas;
    inRas = (IGeoDataset)OpenRasterDataset("c:\\temp", "block1");
    //Create the raster neighborhood object. 
    IRasterNeighborhood rasNeighborhood;
    rasNeighborhood = new RasterNeighborhoodClass();
    rasNeighborhood.SetRectangle(2, 3, esriGeoAnalysisUnitsEnum.esriUnitsCells);
    //Use the neighborhood object in FocalStatistics. 
    IRaster outRas;
    outRas = (IRaster)neighborhoodOp.FocalStatistics(inRas,
        esriGeoAnalysisStatisticsEnum.esriGeoAnalysisStatsMean, rasNeighborhood,
Public Sub UsingRasterNeighborhood()
    Dim neighborhoodOp As INeighborhoodOp
    neighborhoodOp = New RasterNeighborhoodOpClass()
    'Input raster.
    Dim inRas As IGeoDataset
    inRas = OpenRasterDataset("c:\temp", "block1")
    'Create the raster neighborhood object.
    Dim rasNeighborhood As IRasterNeighborhood
    rasNeighborhood = New RasterNeighborhoodClass()
    rasNeighborhood.SetRectangle(2, 3, esriGeoAnalysisUnitsEnum.esriUnitsCells)
    'Use the neighborhood object in FocalStatistics.
    Dim outRas As IRaster
    outRas = CType(neighborhoodOp.FocalStatistics(inRas, esriGeoAnalysisStatisticsEnum.esriGeoAnalysisStatsMean, rasNeighborhood, True), IRaster)
End Sub

To use the code in this topic, reference the following assemblies in your Visual Studio project. In the code files, you will need using (C#) or Imports (VB .NET) directives for the corresponding namespaces (given in parenthesis below if different from the assembly name):
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ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Spatial Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Basic: Spatial Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Spatial Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Standard: Spatial Analyst
ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Spatial Analyst ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced: Spatial Analyst