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ClassAdjustmentMethodPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentMethodPropertyPages component category.
ClassAdjustmentPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AdjustmentPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationKeyframePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGAnimationTrackPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGAnimationTrackPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSCatalogPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSCatalogPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSConnAdminPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnAdminPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSConnUserPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSConnUserPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSDiscoveryConnAdminPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSDiscoveryConnAdminPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSDiscoveryConnUserPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSDiscoveryConnUserPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSFolderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSFolderPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeocodePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeocodePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoDataServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeometryPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeometryPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGeoprocessingPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSGlobeServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSGlobeServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSImagePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSImagePropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSParameterPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSParameterPages component category.
ClassAGSServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassAGSSOEParameterPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AGSSOEParameterPages component category.
ClassAnimationVideoExporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AnimationVideoExporters component category.
ClassAnnoEditToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnoEditToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassAnnotationConstructors Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationConstructors component category.
ClassAnnotationExpresionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpresionPages component category.
ClassAnnotationExpressionParsers Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationExpressionParsers component category.
ClassAnnotationPlacementPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPages component category.
ClassAnnotationPlacementPluginPages Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPlacementPluginPages component category.
ClassAnnotationPropertiesConverters Registers or unregisters a class to the AnnotationPropertiesConverters component category.
ClassArcToolboxTools Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxTools component category.
ClassArcToolboxViews Registers or unregisters a class to the ArcToolboxViews component category.
ClassAreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaBoundaryCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsOnePointErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaContainsPointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaContainsPointErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoveredByAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaCoverErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaCoverErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaGapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaGapErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassAreaPatches Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaPatches component category.
ClassAreaTessellateErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the AreaTessellateErrorCommands component category.
ClassAttributeTransferTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the AttributeTransferTypes component category.
ClassAVFSrcImporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AVFSrcImporters component category.
ClassAVThemeImporters Registers or unregisters a class to the AVThemeImporters component category.
ClassBackgrounds Registers or unregisters a class to the Backgrounds component category.
ClassBGL Registers or unregisters a class to the BGL component category.
ClassBGL_PRINTER_DRIVERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGL_PRINTER_DRIVERS component category.
ClassBGLColorRamps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColorRamps component category.
ClassBGLColors Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLColors component category.
ClassBGLCustomOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLCustomOps component category.
ClassBGLFillOpEffect Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOpEffect component category.
ClassBGLFillOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLFillOps component category.
ClassBGLGeometricEffects Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLGeometricEffects component category.
ClassBGLIMAGEDECODERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEDECODERS component category.
ClassBGLIMAGEENCODERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLIMAGEENCODERS component category.
ClassBGLMarkerPlacements Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerPlacements component category.
ClassBGLMarkerSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLMarkerSymbols component category.
ClassBGLPaintingOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPaintingOps component category.
ClassBGLPatterns Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPatterns component category.
ClassBGLPRINTERS Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLPRINTERS component category.
ClassBGLSimpleSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSimpleSymbols component category.
ClassBGLStrokeOps Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLStrokeOps component category.
ClassBGLSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLSymbols component category.
ClassBGLTextSymbols Registers or unregisters a class to the BGLTextSymbols component category.
ClassBorders Registers or unregisters a class to the Borders component category.
ClassBoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoincidenceErrorCommands component category.
ClassBoundaryCoverErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the BoundaryCoverErrorCommands component category.
ClassBuildMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the BuildMethods component category.
ClassCadastralEditorPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralEditorPages component category.
ClassCadastralFabricPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralFabricPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadastralOptionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralOptionPages component category.
ClassCadastralPlanPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadastralPlanPages component category.
ClassCadDrawingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadDrawingPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassCadFeaturePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CadFeaturePropertyPages component category.
ClassCartoXBasemapLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXBasemapLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXBasemapLayerMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXBasemapLayerMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXMXDMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXMXDMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXPackagerLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXPackagerLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXPackagerMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXPackagerMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXPublishTargets Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXPublishTargets component category.
ClassCartoXServerLayerAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerLayerAnalyzers component category.
ClassCartoXServerMapAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the CartoXServerMapAnalyzers component category.
ClassCatReg This class is used internally by the classes in this namespace.
ClassCheckOutPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CheckOutPropertyPages component category.
ClassClassificationMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the ClassificationMethods component category.
ClassClipboardFormats Registers or unregisters a class to the ClipboardFormats component category.
ClassColorCorrectionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorCorrectionPages component category.
ClassColorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorPropertyPages component category.
ClassColorRamp Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRamp component category.
ClassColorRampPropetyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ColorRampPropetyPages component category.
ClassContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the ContentsViews component category.
ClassContentsWindowPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ContentsWindowPropertyPages component category.
ClassContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the ContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassControlsCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsCommands component category.
ClassControlsMenus Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsMenus component category.
ClassControlsPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsPalettes component category.
ClassControlsToolbars Registers or unregisters a class to the ControlsToolbars component category.
ClassCoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CoverageFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassCoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassCustomCheckOutPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the CustomCheckOutPropertyPages component category.
ClassDatabaseServerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DatabaseServerPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataExclusionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataExclusionPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataGraphPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataGraphPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataSamplingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DataSamplingPropertyPages component category.
ClassDataWindowFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the DataWindowFactory component category.
ClassDDDAnalystOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DDDAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassDDDAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the DDDAnimationTypes component category.
ClassDDEditorExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the DDEditorExtensions component category.
ClassDDEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the DDEditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassDDExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the DDExtensions component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPointTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category.
ClassDDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the DDFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category.
ClassDimensionConstructors Registers or unregisters a class to the DimensionConstructors component category.
ClassDynamicText Registers or unregisters a class to the DynamicText component category.
ClassEditorExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorExtensions component category.
ClassEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassEditorToolbars Registers or unregisters a class to the EditorToolbars component category.
ClassEditTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTasks component category.
ClassEditTemplatePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the EditTemplatePropertyPages component category.
ClassEditToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the EditToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassEndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the EndpointCoveredByPointErrorCommands component category.
ClassEngineDataDialogBrowser Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineDataDialogBrowser component category.
ClassEngineEditTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineEditTasks component category.
ClassEngineExtension Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtension component category.
ClassEngineExtensionJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineExtensionJIT component category.
ClassEngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category.
ClassEngineRoutingServiceCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineRoutingServiceCategory component category.
ClassEngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category.
ClassEngineSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the EngineSnapAgents component category.
ClassESDAEngineMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the ESDAEngineMethods component category.
ClassESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIDeveloperKitLibraryHandlingExtensions component category.
ClassESRIExportPropertyDialogs Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyDialogs component category.
ClassESRIExportPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIExportPropertyPages component category.
ClassESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIPrintEnginePropertyDialogs component category.
ClassESRIRasterPrintDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDrivers component category.
ClassESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ESRIRasterPrintDriversPropertyPages component category.
ClassExporterDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterDrivers component category.
ClassExporterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ExporterPropertyPages component category.
ClassExports Registers or unregisters a class to the Exports component category.
ClassFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionAnnotationTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionAnnotationTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionCOGOLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionDimensionTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionDimensionTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionGNLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionGNLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionMultipatchTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipatchTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionMultipointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionMultipointTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPointTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPointTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPolygonTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolygonTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionPolylineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionPolylineTools component category.
ClassFeatureConstructionTurnLineTools Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureConstructionTurnLineTools component category.
ClassFeatureDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassFeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLargerThanToleranceErrorCommands component category.
ClassFeatureLayerSymbology Registers or unregisters a class to the FeatureLayerSymbology component category.
ClassFillSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the FillSymbol component category.
ClassFontMappingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FontMappingPropertyPages component category.
ClassFrameElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the FrameElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassGARenderersPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GARenderersPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeoAnalysis Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoAnalysis component category.
ClassGeodatabaseDistributedPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeodatabaseDistributedPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeodatabaseWorkspaceExtensions component category.
ClassGeoDataServerDatasetAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoDataServerDatasetAnalyzers component category.
ClassGeoElementTools Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoElementTools component category.
ClassGeographicCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeographicCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeometricEffect Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricEffect component category.
ClassGeometricNetworkPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GeometricNetworkPropertyPages component category.
ClassGeoObjectClassDescriptions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassDescriptions component category.
ClassGeoObjectClassExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjectClassExtensions component category.
ClassGeoObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoObjects component category.
ClassGeoRefSaveAsDlg Registers or unregisters a class to the GeoRefSaveAsDlg component category.
ClassGeostatExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GeostatExtensions component category.
ClassGISServersCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GISServersCommands component category.
ClassGlobeAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobeAnimationTypes component category.
ClassGlobePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GlobePropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxBaseLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxBaseLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommandBars component category.
ClassGMxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxCommands component category.
ClassGMxContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContentsViews component category.
ClassGMxContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassGMxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxDockableWindows component category.
ClassGMxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensions component category.
ClassGMxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassGMxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxFinders component category.
ClassGMxLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassGMxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPalettes component category.
ClassGMxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GMxPropertyPages component category.
ClassGNEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GNEditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPDataTypeFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPDataTypeFactories component category.
ClassGPFileTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFileTypes component category.
ClassGPFunctionFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactories component category.
ClassGPFunctionFactoriesPrivate Registers or unregisters a class to the GPFunctionFactoriesPrivate component category.
ClassGPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolboxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolboxPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolExtensionFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolExtensionFactories component category.
ClassGPToolMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassGPToolPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GPToolPropertyPages component category.
ClassGraphicSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the GraphicSnapAgents component category.
ClassGridLabels Registers or unregisters a class to the GridLabels component category.
ClassGxAGSCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoDataServerContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeometryContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGeoprocessingContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSGlobeContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSImageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSImageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSLocatorContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelAdminContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSMultiSelContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxAGSObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GxAGSObjects component category.
ClassGxArchivingMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArchivingMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportFeatureClassFilters component category.
ClassGxArcViewExportTableFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxArcViewExportTableFilters component category.
ClassGxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadastralFabricContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDataContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDataContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadDrawingExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCadFeatureExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCatalogPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCatalogPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommandBars component category.
ClassGxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxCoverageNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxCoverageNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseExtensions component category.
ClassGxDatabaseImportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseImportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatabaseNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatabaseNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDataGraphContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDataGraphContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDialogObjectFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDialogObjectFilters component category.
ClassGxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDiskConnectionContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the GxDockableWindows component category.
ClassGxEnabledWorkspaceFactories Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnabledWorkspaceFactories component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseTableContextMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxEnterpriseToolboxContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxExportFeatureClassFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportFeatureClassFilters component category.
ClassGxExportTableFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExportTableFilters component category.
ClassGxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensions component category.
ClassGxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassGxExtensionToolbar Registers or unregisters a class to the GxExtensionToolbar component category.
ClassGxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetImportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFeatureDatasetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFilterFeatureClasses Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureClasses component category.
ClassGxFilterFeatureDatasets Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterFeatureDatasets component category.
ClassGxFilterTables Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFilterTables component category.
ClassGxFolderConnectionsContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderConnectionsContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV Registers or unregisters a class to the GxFolderNewMenuCommandsAV component category.
ClassGxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGeometricNetworkContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxGlobeContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobeContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxGlobePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGlobePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxGridContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxGridContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxInfoTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLayerContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLayerFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLayerFilters component category.
ClassGxLocatorContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxLocatorMenus Registers or unregisters a class to the GxLocatorMenus component category.
ClassGxMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxMetadataExporter Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataExporter component category.
ClassGxMetadataImporter Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMetadataImporter component category.
ClassGxMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMosaicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMSDFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMSDFilePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMSDFilePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMultipleSelectionExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxMXTMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxMXTMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxNetworkDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxObjectFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFactory component category.
ClassGxObjectFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxObjectFilters component category.
ClassGxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxOleDBTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPackageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPackageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPackagePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPackagePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPalettes component category.
ClassGxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPCCoverageFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPMFMapContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPMFMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPMFMapPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPre70CoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxPreviews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPreviews component category.
ClassGxPrjFileContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxPrjFileContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterBandContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterBandContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogFilters component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogItemContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRasterCatalogViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterCatalogViews component category.
ClassGxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRasterDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyFeatureDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyNetworkContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxReadOnlyTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRelationshipClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRemoteDatabaseFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxRootObjects Registers or unregisters a class to the GxRootObjects component category.
ClassGxSceneContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSceneContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxScenePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxScenePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDatasetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicDiagramContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSchematicFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSDCTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSDCTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSearchEngines Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSearchEngines component category.
ClassGxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShapefileTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxShortcutContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxShortcutContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxSpatialReferencesFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStandaloneFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxStreetMapFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxTableAttachmentsMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableAttachmentsMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTableToFeatureClassMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTabViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTabViews component category.
ClassGxTerrainContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTerrainContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTinContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTinContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxAddMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxAddMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxesFolderNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolboxNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolboxNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetAddMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetAddMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxToolsetNewMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxToolsetNewMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxTopologyContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxTopologyContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxViews Registers or unregisters a class to the GxViews component category.
ClassGxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoverageExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfCoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfCoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassGxVpfTableContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfTableExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTableExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxVpfTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the GxVpfTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassGxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWCSCoveragePropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWMSLayerPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSLayerPropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWMSMapPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWMSMapPropertiesPage component category.
ClassGxWorkspaceDatabaseContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxWorkspaceDatabaseContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassGxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the GxXMLDocumentContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassHelpMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the HelpMenuCommands component category.
ClassHotLinkExpressionParsers Registers or unregisters a class to the HotLinkExpressionParsers component category.
ClassIdentifyObj Registers or unregisters a class to the IdentifyObj component category.
ClassImageSettingsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ImageSettingsPropertyPages component category.
ClassIMSMetadataServicePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the IMSMetadataServicePropertyPages component category.
ClassIndexSearchOptionPages Registers or unregisters a class to the IndexSearchOptionPages component category.
ClassInfoTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the InfoTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassLabelStylePages Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStylePages component category.
ClassLabelStyleSelectors Registers or unregisters a class to the LabelStyleSelectors component category.
ClassLasDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LasDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassLasDatasetRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LasDatasetRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassLayerDrawingDescriptionFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerDrawingDescriptionFactory component category.
ClassLayerFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerFactory component category.
ClassLayerFactoryExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerFactoryExtensions component category.
ClassLayerLabelsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerLabelsPropertyPages component category.
ClassLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassLayerPropertySheet Registers or unregisters a class to the LayerPropertySheet component category.
ClassLegendItemPropSheets Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItemPropSheets component category.
ClassLegendItems Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendItems component category.
ClassLegendSymbolEditors Registers or unregisters a class to the LegendSymbolEditors component category.
ClassLineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineCoveredByLineClassErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineDangleErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDangleErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineDecorationElement Registers or unregisters a class to the LineDecorationElement component category.
ClassLineInsideAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineInsideAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineIntersectionErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineIntersectionInteriorTouchErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineMultipartErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineMultipartErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassLinePatches Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePatches component category.
ClassLinePseudoErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LinePseudoErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineSelfIntersectErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfIntersectErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineSelfOverlapErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSelfOverlapErrorCommands component category.
ClassLineSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the LineSymbol component category.
ClassLocatorWorkspaces Registers or unregisters a class to the LocatorWorkspaces component category.
ClassMapAnimationTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the MapAnimationTypes component category.
ClassMapDocumentPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapDocumentPropertyPages component category.
ClassMapGridBorders Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridBorders component category.
ClassMapGridFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridFactory component category.
ClassMapGridPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapGridPropertyPages component category.
ClassMaplexAnnotationPlacementPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexAnnotationPlacementPages component category.
ClassMaplexLabelStylePages Registers or unregisters a class to the MaplexLabelStylePages component category.
ClassMapPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapPropertyPages component category.
ClassMapScalePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MapScalePropertyPages component category.
ClassMarkerPlacement Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerPlacement component category.
ClassMarkerSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the MarkerSymbol component category.
ClassMBDerivedGeoDatasetProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBDerivedGeoDatasetProp component category.
ClassMBGeoDatasetProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoDatasetProp component category.
ClassMBGeoOperationProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBGeoOperationProp component category.
ClassMBLayerProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBLayerProp component category.
ClassMBMethodProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBMethodProp component category.
ClassMBProcessProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBProcessProp component category.
ClassMBTableProp Registers or unregisters a class to the MBTableProp component category.
ClassMdDiagramPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdDiagramPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdElementMetadataPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementMetadataPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdElementPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdElementPropertyPages component category.
ClassMdProcessPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MdProcessPropertyPages component category.
ClassMetadataEditor Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditor component category.
ClassMetadataEditorPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataEditorPropertyPages component category.
ClassMetadataSynchronizers Registers or unregisters a class to the MetadataSynchronizers component category.
ClassModelScriptConverters Registers or unregisters a class to the ModelScriptConverters component category.
ClassMosaicDatasetExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicDatasetExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassMosaicDatasetRemoveMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicDatasetRemoveMenuCommands component category.
ClassMosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MosaicLayerPreviewPropertyPages component category.
ClassMultiGenReplicaPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MultiGenReplicaPropertyPages component category.
ClassMxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommandBars component category.
ClassMxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxCommands component category.
ClassMxDDECommandHandler Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDDECommandHandler component category.
ClassMxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDockableWindows component category.
ClassMxDocumentDropTarget Registers or unregisters a class to the MxDocumentDropTarget component category.
ClassMxExtension Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtension component category.
ClassMxExtensionJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the MxExtensionJIT component category.
ClassMxFileMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuCommands component category.
ClassMxFileMenuDefs Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFileMenuDefs component category.
ClassMxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the MxFinders component category.
ClassMxInsetWindowPages Registers or unregisters a class to the MxInsetWindowPages component category.
ClassMxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the MxPalettes component category.
ClassMxToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassMxViewCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the MxViewCommands component category.
ClassNameStringParser Registers or unregisters a class to the NameStringParser component category.
ClassNativeTypes Registers or unregisters a class to the NativeTypes component category.
ClassNavigate3DInputDevices Registers or unregisters a class to the Navigate3DInputDevices component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystAgent Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystAgent component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystFinders component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystLocationOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystSolver Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSolver component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystSymbolizer Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystSymbolizer component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowCategoryCommand component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemCategory component category.
ClassNetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkAnalystWindowItemsCommand component category.
ClassNetworkDirectionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkDirectionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassNetworkEvaluatorEditor Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkEvaluatorEditor component category.
ClassNetworkLayerSymbology Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkLayerSymbology component category.
ClassNetworkRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NetworkRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassNotMaskableLayers Registers or unregisters a class to the NotMaskableLayers component category.
ClassNumberFormatPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the NumberFormatPropertyPages component category.
ClassOptimizerComponentFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the OptimizerComponentFactory component category.
ClassOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the OptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassOverposterPropertiesPages Registers or unregisters a class to the OverposterPropertiesPages component category.
ClassOverposters Registers or unregisters a class to the Overposters component category.
ClassPageIndexPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PageIndexPropertyPages component category.
ClassPictures Registers or unregisters a class to the Pictures component category.
ClassPlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers Registers or unregisters a class to the PlugInWorkspaceFactoryHelpers component category.
ClassPointCoincideErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoincideErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByAreaBoundaryErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByEndpointErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointCoveredByLineErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointCoveredByLineErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointDisjointErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointDisjointErrorCommands component category.
ClassPointInsideAreaErrorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the PointInsideAreaErrorCommands component category.
ClassPre70CoveragePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the Pre70CoveragePropertyPages component category.
ClassPrinterDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterDrivers component category.
ClassPrinterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PrinterPropertyPages component category.
ClassProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ProjectedCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the PropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterAnalysis Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterAnalysis component category.
ClassRasterBandPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterBandPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterCatalogExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogLoadMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterCatalogRendererPickers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRendererPickers component category.
ClassRasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterCatalogRenderersPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterConversionOp Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterConversionOp component category.
ClassRasterDataExclusionPropSheet Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDataExclusionPropSheet component category.
ClassRasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetLoadMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterExportMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterExportMenuCommands component category.
ClassRasterFunctionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterFunctionPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterFunctions Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterFunctions component category.
ClassRasterGxExportFilters Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterGxExportFilters component category.
ClassRasterLayerDataMenuItems Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerDataMenuItems component category.
ClassRasterLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterRendererMakers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRendererMakers component category.
ClassRasterRenderers Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterRenderers component category.
ClassRasterSnappingPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterSnappingPropertyPages component category.
ClassRasterStatEnvDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterStatEnvDialog component category.
ClassRasterTransformationOp Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTransformationOp component category.
ClassRasterTypeFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTypeFactory component category.
ClassRasterTypePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RasterTypePropertyPages component category.
ClassRelationshipClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RelationshipClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the RendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassRepresentationClassPropertyPage Registers or unregisters a class to the RepresentationClassPropertyPage component category.
ClassSAOperation Registers or unregisters a class to the SAOperation component category.
ClassScaleBars Registers or unregisters a class to the ScaleBars component category.
ClassSceneExporter3dDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dDrivers component category.
ClassSceneExporter3dPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporter3dPropertyPages component category.
ClassSceneExporterVideoDrivers Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoDrivers component category.
ClassSceneExporterVideoPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SceneExporterVideoPropertyPages component category.
ClassScenePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ScenePropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicAlgorithmPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithmPages component category.
ClassSchematicAlgorithms Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAlgorithms component category.
ClassSchematicAnalystPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalystPages component category.
ClassSchematicAnalysts Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicAnalysts component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderEngine Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderEngine component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicBuilders Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilders component category.
ClassSchematicBuilderUI Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicBuilderUI component category.
ClassSchematicCreateDiagramDialog Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicCreateDiagramDialog component category.
ClassSchematicDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicDiagramPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicDiagramPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicEditingOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicFolderPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicFolderPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicRelationManagers Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRelationManagers component category.
ClassSchematicRulePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulePropertyPages component category.
ClassSchematicRules Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRules component category.
ClassSchematicRulesExtendedCriteria Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicRulesExtendedCriteria component category.
ClassSchematicToolsEdit Registers or unregisters a class to the SchematicToolsEdit component category.
ClassSearchResultsContextMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SearchResultsContextMenuCommands component category.
ClassServerObjectDescriptions Registers or unregisters a class to the ServerObjectDescriptions component category.
ClassShadows Registers or unregisters a class to the Shadows component category.
ClassShapeConstructorCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapeConstructorCommands component category.
ClassShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileFeatureClassPropertyPages component category.
ClassShapefileTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the ShapefileTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassSketchMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchMenuCommands component category.
ClassSketchToolMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolMenuCommands component category.
ClassSketchToolPaletteCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SketchToolPaletteCommands component category.
ClassSMFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the SMFinders component category.
ClassSnapAgents Registers or unregisters a class to the SnapAgents component category.
ClassStandaloneTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the StandaloneTablePropertyPages component category.
ClassStyleGalleryClasses Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleGalleryClasses component category.
ClassStyleImporter Registers or unregisters a class to the StyleImporter component category.
ClassStylePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the StylePropertyPages component category.
ClassSxCommandBars Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommandBars component category.
ClassSxCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the SxCommands component category.
ClassSxContentsViews Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContentsViews component category.
ClassSxContextAnalyzers Registers or unregisters a class to the SxContextAnalyzers component category.
ClassSxDockableWindows Registers or unregisters a class to the SxDockableWindows component category.
ClassSxExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensions component category.
ClassSxExtensionsJIT Registers or unregisters a class to the SxExtensionsJIT component category.
ClassSxFinders Registers or unregisters a class to the SxFinders component category.
ClassSxGraphicPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxGraphicPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxImport3DFile Registers or unregisters a class to the SxImport3DFile component category.
ClassSxLayerPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxLayerPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxOptionsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxOptionsPropertyPages component category.
ClassSxPalettes Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPalettes component category.
ClassSxPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SxPropertyPages component category.
ClassSymbolPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the SymbolPropertyPages component category.
ClassTableFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the TableFactory component category.
ClassTablePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TablePropertyPages component category.
ClassTableWindowPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TableWindowPropertyPages component category.
ClassTerrainPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainPropertyPages component category.
ClassTerrainRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TerrainRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassTextBackground Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackground component category.
ClassTextBackgroundPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TextBackgroundPropertyPages component category.
ClassTextFilePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TextFilePropertyPages component category.
ClassTextSymbol Registers or unregisters a class to the TextSymbol component category.
ClassTinDatasetPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TinDatasetPropertyPages component category.
ClassTinRendererPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TinRendererPropertyPages component category.
ClassTopologyPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the TopologyPropertyPages component category.
ClassTraceTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the TraceTasks component category.
ClassTrainingMenuCommands Registers or unregisters a class to the TrainingMenuCommands component category.
ClassTransformationMethods Registers or unregisters a class to the TransformationMethods component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisGNPropertyPages component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkAnalysisPropertyPages component category.
ClassUtilityNetworkTasks Registers or unregisters a class to the UtilityNetworkTasks component category.
ClassVectorizationPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VectorizationPropertyPages component category.
ClassVersionPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VersionPropertyPages component category.
ClassVerticalCoordSysPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VerticalCoordSysPropertyPages component category.
ClassVideoExporterPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the VideoExporterPropertyPages component category.
ClassWCSConnectionContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionContextMenu component category.
ClassWCSConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWCSCoverageContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSCoverageContextMenu component category.
ClassWCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WCSDisconnectedConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWMSConnectionContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionContextMenu component category.
ClassWMSConnectionPropertiesPage Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSConnectionPropertiesPage component category.
ClassWMSMapContextMenu Registers or unregisters a class to the WMSMapContextMenu component category.
ClassWorkspaceDatasetExtensions Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDatasetExtensions component category.
ClassWorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceDomainsPropertyPages component category.
ClassWorkspaceFactory Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspaceFactory component category.
ClassWorkspacePropertyPages Registers or unregisters a class to the WorkspacePropertyPages component category.

See Also

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