ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.Connection.IMS Namespace
See Also  Inheritance Hierarchy Send Feedback


ClassArcXMLHandler ArcIMS ArcXML Handler for handling ArcIMS AXL http request.
ClassHTTPConnection Class used to send requests and responses via HTTP to an ArcIMS server.
ClassIMSServerConnection Abstract class for common functionality of a connection to an ArcIMS server.
ClassIMSServerConnectionFactory A factory class for creating connections to an ArcIMS server.
ClassServerType Type used to identify ArcIMS Server Types.
ClassTCPConnection Class used to send requests and responses via TCP to an ArcIMS Application Server.
ClassTCPConnectionException The ArcIMSConnectionException is thrown if an operation fails when connecting to an ArcIMS Application server, disconnecting from it, sending a request to it, or receiving a response from it.


EnumerationScheme Defines the ways to connect with the ArcIMS Application Server.

See Also

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