ArcObjects Library Reference (PublisherControls)  

esriARWindows Constants

Control window options.

Constant Value Description
esriARWindowsFind 0 A find window for searching features by their attribute values.
esriARWindowsMagnifier 1 A magnifier window for displaying the current view in more detail.
esriARWindowsSearchHelp 2 A dialog for searching the help.
esriARWindowsHelpContents 3 A dialog for showing the help contents.
esriARWindowsFileProperties 4 A file dialog for displaying PMF document properties.
esriARWindowsAddInternetSite 5 A dialog for adding internet sites.
esriARWindowsManageInternetSite 6 A dialog for managing internet sites that have been previously added.
esriARWindowsInternetBrowser 7 An internet browser window for displaying internet sites.
esriARWindowsPageSetup 8 A page setup window for setting up the current view prior to printing.
esriARWindowsPrinter 9 A printer window for sending the current view to a printer.
esriARWindowsIdentify 10 An identify window for displaying feature attribute values.
esriARWindowsPMFTitle 11 A window for setting a dynamic PMF title.
esriARWindowsRouting 12 A window for route finding in 2D.
esriARWindowsFindXY 13 A window for XY Location finding.
esriARWindowsFindNearbyPlacesDeprecated 14 Deprecated. A window for nearby place finding.
esriARWindowsMyPlaces 15 A window for managing my places.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop. Requires Publisher Extension.

.NET Samples

ArcReaderControl document properties (Code Files: DocumentProperties)

.NET Related Topics
