ArcObjects Library Reference (NetworkAnalyst)  

INAVRPSolver.ExternalODCostMatrix Property

The external OD cost matrix object.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property ExternalODCostMatrix As INAODCostMatrix
public INAODCostMatrix ExternalODCostMatrix {get; set;}
HRESULT get_ExternalODCostMatrix(
  INAODCostMatrix** matrix
HRESULT putref_ExternalODCostMatrix(
  INAODCostMatrix* matrix


matrix [out, retval]

  matrix is a parameter of type INAODCostMatrix

matrix [in]

  matrix is a parameter of type INAODCostMatrix

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server. Requires Network Analyst Extension.


The ExternalODCostMatrix property can be used to specify an externally-created NAODCostMatrixResult object or custom object that implements the INAODCostMatrix interface for use within the VRP solver Solve operation. The impedance and accumulate attributes for this matrix object must agree with those of the VRP solver settings.

The ExternalODCostMatrix property value is NULL by default. This property should only be set when the INAVRPSolver.InternalODCostMatrixType is equal to esriNAODCostMatrixNone. This property is also not persisted. When a VRP solver instance is re-hydrated, the value for this property is NULL.

See Also

INAVRPSolver Interface

.NET Snippets

Set Vehicle Routing Problem Properties