ArcObjects Library Reference (GISClient)  

IAGSServerConnectionName.ConnectionProperties Property

The connection properties of the AGSServerConnectionName.

[Visual Basic .NET]
Public Property ConnectionProperties As IPropertySet
public IPropertySet ConnectionProperties {get; set;}
HRESULT get_ConnectionProperties(
  IPropertySet** ppConnProps
HRESULT put_ConnectionProperties(
  IPropertySet* ppConnProps


ppConnProps [out, retval]

  ppConnProps is a parameter of type IPropertySet

ppConnProps [in]

  ppConnProps is a parameter of type IPropertySet

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


The connection properties required in the property set depend on whether you are creating an AGSServerConnectionName which represents a direct connection to a GIS server over a LAN, or if it represetns a connection to a web service catalog. When connecting to a GIS server over the LAN, you need to set the machine property to be the name of the GIS server machine. When connecting to a web service catalog, you need to set the url property to the url of the web service catalog.

If the web service catalog you are connecting to is secure and requires a username and password, include them in the property set as the user and password properties, respectivly.

See Also

IAGSServerConnectionName Interface

.NET Samples

Publish an image service and set configurations (Code Files: ISConfig)

.NET Related Topics

GISClient | How to create an image server layer