ArcObjects Library Reference (Editor)  

IFeatureSnapAgent2 Interface

Provides access to properties controlling Snapping in Z.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Desktop.


This interface is new at ArcGIS 9.3. It supersedes IFeatureSnapAgent.


Read-only property FeatureCache The FeatureCache associated with the feature snap agent.
Read/write property FeatureClass The featureclass the feature snap agent snaps to.
Read/write property HitType The part of a geometry the feature snap agent snaps to.
Read-only property Name The name of the snap agent shown in the UI.
Method Snap Called by the editor to perform the actual snapping logic.
Read/write property ZSnappingEnabled Indicates whether this Agent will snap in Z.

Inherited Interfaces

Interfaces Description
IFeatureSnapAgent Provides access to members that control a feature snap agent's properties.
ISnapAgent Provides access to members that snap point locations using a tolerance.

CoClasses that implement IFeatureSnapAgent2

CoClasses and Classes Description
FeatureSnap Snap agent that snaps to a feature in a specified way.

.NET Related Topics

Updating geometry of existing features | Working with the editor snap environment