ArcObjects Library Reference (Display)  

ITextPath Interface

Provides access to members that control the text path.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.


This interface provides access to the properties and methods of the various text path types used for drawing a TextElement with a TextSymbol


Read/write property Geometry The geometry used for the path.
Method Next Returns the next coordinate.
Method Reset Resets the coordinate enumerator.
Method Setup Set up items needed by text path.
Read/write property XOffset The X offset value.
Read/write property YOffset The Y offset value.

CoClasses that implement ITextPath

CoClasses and Classes Description
BezierTextPath Helper object used to align a text string to a curve.
OverposterTextPath Overposter Text Path object.
SimpleTextPath Helper object used to align a text string to a geometry.
WordTextPath Word Text Path object.


Commonly accessed properties include the XOffset and YOffset as well as the Geometry.  While IElement.Geometry may provide a shortcut to the geometry of a TextElement, it is recommended that you determine the type of text path you have prior to changing the Geometry.  For instance, the raw geometry of an OverposterTextPath should never be edited. The Geometry of this path type should be obtained, smoothed, and then included in a new SimpleTextPath for that TextSymbol/TextElement.


.NET Samples

Draw text on a MapControl (Code Files: DrawText)