ArcObjects Library Reference (DefenseSolutions)  

DefenseSolutions Library Contents


Interface Description
I3DSettings Provides access to information that controls how an object is displayed in ArcGlobe or a Globe control.
IAreaObs2525B Provides access to an identity interface to AreaObs2525B renderer objects.
IAreaObs2525BG Provides access to an identity interface to AreaObs2525BG (green) renderer objects.
IAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to Areas2525B renderer objects.
IArrows2525B Provides access to an identity interface to Arrows2525B renderer objects.
IAttributeLabel Provides access to members that define a text label to be drawn around a force element graphic.
IAttributeLabel2 Provides access to members that define a text label to be drawn around a force element graphic.
IAttributeText Provides access to IAttributeText Interface.
IAttributeText2 Provides access to IAttributeText2 Interface.
IAutoGroupRule Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic grouping rules.
IBoundaries2525B Provides access to an identity interface to Boundaries2525B renderer objects.
IBracketLeaderStyle Provides access to a square bracket leader style object.
IBracketLeaderStylePE Provides access to a square bracket leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics.
IC2GMAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMAreas2525B renderer objects.
IC2GMLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMLines2525B renderer objects.
IC2GMPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to C2GMPoints2525B renderer objects.
ICachedGraphic Provides access to members common to all cached graphic objects.
ICachedGraphic2 Provides access to members common to all cached graphic objects.
ICachedGraphicFeatureLayer Provides access to members responsible for handling the feature characteristics of cached graphic layers.
ICachedGraphicLayer Provides access to members common to all layers of cached graphics.
ICachedGraphicLayer2 Provides access to members common to all layers of cached graphics.
ICachedGraphicSelection Provides access to members that manage a set of selected cached graphics.
ICachedGraphicStyle Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed cached graphic.
ICacheRenderer Provides access to members that are common to all cached graphic renderer objects.
ICacheRendererCollection Provides access to members that manage an ordered collection of cached graphic renderers.
ICallBack Provides access to member functions that display list objects invoke before and/or after they perform another operation.
ICallBack2 Provides access to member functions that display list objects invoke before and/or after they perform another operation.
IConstructTacticalElement Provides access to members that support the construction of sample tactical elements.
IConvertSymbolID Provides access to functionality that converts SymbolIDs between 2525B and APP-6A and back.
ICoordinate Provides access to Coordinate Interface.
ICoordinateTool Provides access to members for coordinate conversion.
ICreateBitmap Provides access to a cached graphic to be written to an in-memory bitmap.
ICreateBitmap2 Provides access to a cached graphic to be written to an in-memory bitmap.
ICSSAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to CSSAreas2525B renderer objects.
ICSSLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to CSSLines2525B renderer objects.
ICSSPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to CSSPoints2525B renderer objects.
ICustomProperties Provides access to members that provide access to custom object properties.
IDDCoordinate Provides access to DD Coordinate Interface.
IDeclutter Provides access to members that manage the decluttering (optimizad placement) of force element graphics, stacks and leaders.
IDirectionAware Provides access to control over the direction of movement indicator on a graphic.
IDisplayList Provides access to members that are common to all display list objects (collections of cached graphics).
IDMSCoordinate Provides access to DMS Coordinate Interface.
IDogLegLeaderStyle Provides access to to a dog leg leader style object.
IDogLegLeaderStyle2 Provides access to a dog leg leader style object that includes a dot at its base.
IDogLegLeaderStyle2PE Provides access to a dog leg and dot leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics.
IDogLegLeaderStylePE Provides access to a dog leg leader style object that performs parent-echelon sorting of graphics.
IEchelonScaleFilter Provides access to an echelon scale filter object.
IEngineOptions Provides access to control over general MOLE options.
IEngineStatus Provides access to status information on the MOLE core engine.
IEnumAttributeLabel Provides access to sequential control over a collection of AttributeLabel objects.
IExportGraphic Provides access to members that enable cached graphics to export themselves.
IFactoryTooling Provides access to members that alter the way the factory produces graphics.
IFeatureGraphic Provides access to members that access the feature information attached to a graphic.
IFeatureGraphicSet Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphics, based upon the association between those graphics and features.
IFEGraphic Provides access to members that are specific to force element cached graphics.
IFEGraphicFactory Provides access to members that create force element graphics and parse symbol IDs.
IFEGraphicStyle Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed force element graphic.
IFEGraphicStyleCollection Provides access to members that manage a collection of force element graphic styles.
IFELuminen Controls the rendering of MOLE force elements as OpenGL billboards in ArcGlobe.
IFLOT2525B Provides access to an identity interface to FLOT2525B renderer objects.
IForceElement Provides access to members that enable an object to provide attribute information for a graphic to symbolize.
IForceElement2525BRenderer Provides access to members specific to a 2525B force element cached graphic renderer.
IForceElementAPP6ARenderer Provides access to members specific to an APP-6A force element cached graphic renderer.
IForceElementDisplayList Provides access to members that are specific to force element display lists.
IForceElementEvents Events that are triggered by ForceElement objects.
IForceElementGraphicSet Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphics, based upon the association between those graphics and force elements.
IForceElementLayer Provides access to members that manage a force element cached graphic layer.
IForceElementRenderer Provides access to members common to any force element cached graphic renderer.
IForceElements Provides access to an identity interface to ForceElement class extension objects.
IFormatter Provides access to a formatting expression to format a string.
IFSAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to FSAreas2525B renderer objects.
IFSAreasChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to FSAreasChange1 renderer objects.
IFSLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to FSLines2525B renderer objects.
IFSLinesChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to FSLinesChange1 renderer objects.
IFSPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to FSPoints2525B renderer objects.
IFSPointsChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to FSPointsChange1 renderer objects.
IGeoEllipse Provides access to members that generate GeoEllipse geometries.
IGeoEllipseElement Indicator interface that identifies a GeoEllipseElement.
IGeometryLimits Provides access to the geometry restrictions for a GraphicDef.
IGeoPolygon Provides access to members that generate GeoPolygon geometries.
IGeoPolygonElement Indicator interface that identifies a GeoPolygonElement.
IGeoPolyline Provides access to members that generate GeoPolyline geometries.
IGeoPolylineElement Indicator interface that identifies a GeoPolyline.
IGlobeSink Controls the automatic sinking/unsinking of IGlobeDisplayEvents used for OpenGL rendering.
IGpMaFunctionFactory Provides access to IGpMaFunctionFactory Interface.
IGraphicCallout Provides access to members that manage a graphic's displaced drawing ability.
IGraphicComponent Provides access to members common to components of force element graphics.
IGraphicDef Provides access to members that define a graphic definition.
IGraphicDef2 Provides access to members that define a graphic definition.
IGraphicDefSet Provides access to members that provide access to a set of graphic definitions.
IGraphicExporter Provides access to members that maintain a list of exportable cached graphics.
IGraphicGroup Provides access to members that are common to groups of cached graphics (stacks and leaders).
IGraphicGroupStyle Provides access to members that are common to all graphic group styles.
IGraphicLeader Provides access to the members that manage a graphic leader.
IGraphicLeaderStyle Provides access to members that manage a graphic leader style.
IGraphicStack Provides access to members that manage a stack of cached graphics.
IGraphicTextFactory Provides access to members that create polygonal graphic text.
IGSGeoSymRenderer Provides access to the NGA standard GeoSym symbology for VPF data.
IGSGeoSymRenderer2 Provides access to members of IGSGeoSymRenderer2 Interface.
IGSRenderingProfile Provides access to and allows the configurations of a GeoSym Rendering profile. Rendering profiles can be shared by various GeoSym Renderers in order to simplify the configuration of one or more layers that create a specific Product.
IHBarLeaderStyle Provides access to a horizontal bar leader style object.
ILabeledGraphic Provides access to text labeling information used by a graphic.
ILabellingProperties Provides access to a layer's AttributeLabel settings and general labelling properties.
ILeaderable Provides access to members that provide leadering status information about a graphic.
ILeaderAffiliationRule Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderAffiliationRule objects.
ILeaderedGraphics Provides access to members that enable a force element display list to explicitly leader and unleader graphics.
ILeaderHigherFormationRule Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderHigherFormationRule objects.
ILeaderingProperties Provides access to members that manage the force element graphic leadering environment.
ILeaderingRule Provides access to members specific to rules that govern whether two cached graphics should be leadered.
ILeaderProximityRule Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderProximityRule objects.
ILeaderValueRule Provides access to an identity interface to LeaderValueRule objects.
ILineObs2525B Provides access to an identity interface to LineObs2525B renderer objects.
ILineObs2525BG Provides access to an identity interface to LineObs2525BG (green) renderer objects.
ILines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to Lines2525B renderer objects.
ILuminenGL Controls additional, non-MIL-STD-2525B OpenGL rendering.
ILuminenSettings Global settings used to control the appearance and functioning of OpenGL rendering. Changes are immediately propagated to all renderables.
IMADatasets Provides access to members for working with individual datasets in MALayers.
IMADtedLayer Provides access to members that create or modify MADtedLayers.
IMALayer Provides access to Indicator IMALayer Interface.
IMARasterLayer Provides access to members that create or modify MARasterLayers.
IMeasurementTool Provides access to members that perform measurements along Geolines between two points.
IMETOCAreasChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to METOCAreasChange1 renderer objects.
IMETOCLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to METOCLines2525B renderer objects.
IMETOCLinesChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to METOCLinesChange1 renderer objects.
IMETOCPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to METOCPoints2525B renderer objects.
IMETOCPointsChange1 Provides access to an identity interface to METOCPointsChange1 renderer objects.
IMGRSCoordinate Provides access to MGRS Coordinate Interface.
IMoleCoreHelper Provides access to members unique to the MOLE helper class.
IMoleDeclutterElement Provides access to IMoleDeclutterElement Interface.
IMoleFillSymbol Provides access to IMoleFillSymbol Interface.
IMoleGroupElement Provides access to IMoleGroupElement Interface.
IMoleLeaderElement Provides access to IMoleLeaderElement Interface.
IMoleLineSymbol Provides access to IMoleLineSymbol Interface.
IMoleMarkerSymbol Provides access to IMoleMarkerSymbol Interface.
IMoleStackElement Provides access to IMoleStackElement Interface.
IMoleSymbol Provides access to IMoleSymbol Interface.
IMoleSymbolImportExport Provides access to IMoleSymbolImportExport Interface.
IMSAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to MSAreas2525B renderer objects.
IMSLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to MSLines2525B renderer objects.
IMSPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to MSPoints2525B renderer objects.
IMultipointArrows Provides access to an identity interface to MultipointArrows renderer objects.
IObjectDictionary Controls members that manage a keyed dictionary of objects.
IOtherLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to OtherLines2525B renderer objects.
IOtherPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to OtherPoints2525B renderer objects.
IParser Provides access to members that parses a string using a regular expression, capture groups are returned as comma separated tokens.
IPointObs2525B Provides access to an identity interface to PointObs2525B renderer objects.
IPointObs2525BG Provides access to an identity interface to PointObs2525BG (green) renderer objects.
IPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to Points2525B renderer objects.
IProgID Provides access to the prog ID of the class.
IRendererInfo Provides access to functions to return information about a renderer.
IScaleFilter Provides access to members that are common to all scale filter objects.
IScaleFilterManager Provides access to members that manage a set of scale filter objects.
IStackable Provides access to members that provide stacking status information about a graphic.
IStackHigherFormationRule Provides access to an identity interface to StackHigherFormationRule objects.
IStackingProperties Provides access to members that manage the force element graphic stacking environment.
IStackingRule Provides access to members specific to rules that govern whether two cached graphics should be stacked.
IStackProximityRule Provides access to an identity interface to StackProximityRule objects.
IStackSymbolIDRule Provides access to an identity interface to StackSymbolIDRule objects.
IStackValueRule Provides access to an identity interface to StackValueRule objects.
IStatefulRenderOptions Stateful settings used to control the rendering of MOLE tactical graphics. Changes affect only subsequently-rendered renderables.
ISwoopArrows Provides access to an identity interface to SwoopArrows renderer objects.
ISymbologyOptions Provides access to control over MOLE's symbology options.
ITacticalAreas Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalArea class extension objects.
ITacticalElement Provides access to members that enable an object to provide attribute information for a graphic to symbolize.
ITacticalElementEvents Events that are triggered by TacticalElement objects.
ITacticalGraphic Provides access to members that are specific to tactical cached graphics.
ITacticalGraphic2 Provides access to members that are specific to tactical cached graphics. Includes new SymbolID property.
ITacticalGraphic2525BRenderer Provides access to an identity interface to the compound tactical graphic renderer.
ITacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer Provides access to an identity interface to the compound tactical graphic renderer.
ITacticalGraphicDisplayList Provides access to members that are specific to tacticl graphic display lists.
ITacticalGraphicLayer Provides access to members that manage a tactical cached graphic layer.
ITacticalGraphicRenderer Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects.
ITacticalGraphicRenderer2 Provides access to members that manage tactical cached graphic renderer objects.
ITacticalGraphicStyle Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed tactical graphic.
ITacticalGraphicStyle2 Provides access to members that determine the appearance of a displayed tactical graphic.
ITacticalGraphicStyleCollection Provides access to members that manage a collection of tactical graphic styles.
ITacticalLines Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalLine class extension objects.
ITacticalLuminen Controls the rendering of MOLE tactical graphics as extruded OpenGL graphics in ArcGlobe.
ITacticalPoints Provides access to an identity interface to TacticalPoint class extension objects.
ITaskAreas2525B Provides access to an identity interface to TaskAreas2525B renderer objects.
ITaskLines2525B Provides access to an identity interface to TaskLines2525B renderer objects.
ITaskPoints2525B Provides access to an identity interface to TaskPoints2525B renderer objects.
IUSNGCoordinate Provides access to USNG Coordinate Interface.
IUTMCoordinate Provides access to UTM Coordinate Interface.
IWireframeDisplayProps Provides access to members that control the wireframe display for an MALayer.

CoClasses and Classes

CoClass or Class Description
AreaObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
AreaObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B areal obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Areas2525B Renders some of the 2525B areal tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Arrows2525B Renders three point polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics.
AttributeLabel Provides information necessary to graphically depict attribute information associated with a cached graphic.
AttributeText Contains information about text that can be drawn around graphics.
Boundaries2525B Renders polylines as 2525B boundary tactical graphics.
BracketLeaderStyle A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
BracketLeaderStylePE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned and bracketed collection. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
C2GMAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
C2GMLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
C2GMPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B command and control and general maneuver heading.
ConvertSymbolID Converts SymbolID strings from one standard to another.
CoordinateTool A utility class that provides methods for coordinate conversion.
CSSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
CSSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
CSSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B combat service support heading.
DDCoordinate Class to hold coordinates as Decimal Degrees.
DMSCoordinate Class to hold coordinates as DMS.
DogLegLeaderStyle A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
DogLegLeaderStyle2 A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ and echelon.
DogLegLeaderStyle2PE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line with a dot drawn at its first point. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
DogLegLeaderStylePE A leader style that maniplates the contents of a graphic leader to resemble a vertically aligned collection using a dog leg leader line. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and then by echelon.
EchelonScaleFilter A scale filter that compares a graphic's echelon to its own echelon range to determine if the graphic should be drawn.
FEGraphic A cached graphic that symbolizes a point based military object (feature or force element).
FEGraphicFactory A low level factory object that produces a new force element cached graphic given a fifteen character symbol ID string.
FEGraphicStyle Provides a set of symbols for use in depicting force element graphics on a display.
FELuminen Definition to the FELuminen Class.
FLOT2525B Renders polylines as Forward Lines of Own Troops and related 2525B tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
ForceElement A light weight object that can store attribute information that can then be symbolized by a force element graphic.
ForceElement2525BRenderer Renders one or more features as MIL-STD 2525B compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list.
ForceElementAPP6ARenderer Renders one or more features as NATO APP-6A compliant cached graphics, adding them to a force element display list.
ForceElementDisplayList Manages a collection of force element cached graphics, graphic leaders and graphic stacks.
ForceElementLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a force element display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.
ForceElements Class extension object used to create force element point feature classes.
Formatter This is the formatter class.
FSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSAreasChange1 Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSLinesChange1 Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
FSPointsChange1 Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B fire support heading.
GeoEllipse Its a spheroidal ellipse.
GeoEllipseElement The graphic element to display GeoEllipses.
GeoPolygon Its a spheroidal polygon.
GeoPolygonElement The graphic element for displaying GeoPolygons.
GeoPolyline This is a spheroidal polyline.
GeoPolylineElement The graphic element for displaying GeoPolylines.
GeoSymRenderer Custom renderer for symbolizing data with GeoSym symbology.
GpMaFunctionFactory This is the GpMaFunctionFactory Class.
GraphicDef Provides clients with a definition or description of a supported cached graphic.
GraphicExporter Exports a collection of one or more cached graphics.
GraphicLeader A collection of leaderable cached graphics, sorted and drawn using a variety of leader styles, designed to help declutter a display.
GraphicStack An ordered collection of stackable cached graphics, drawn to resemble a stack of cards.
HBarLeaderStyle A leader style that manipulates the contents of graphic leader to resemble a horizontally aligned collection, sandwiched between two horizontal lines. Graphics are sorted by HQ parent/child relationship and/or by echelon.
LeaderAffiliationRule A rule that permits leadering if two objects share the same, or a compatible, affiliation code.
LeaderHigherFormationRule A rule that permits leadering if two objects share the same higher formation (parent) attribute.
LeaderProximityRule A rule that permits leadering if two objects are within a specified distance of one another.
LeaderValueRule A rule that permits leadering if two objects share the same value for a specified attribute.
LineObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
LineObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B linear obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Lines2525B Renders some of the 2525B linear tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
LuminenSettings Luminen Settings Class Definition.
MADtedLayer A layer used to control the display of MA DTED Catalogs.
MAExtension Provides information about MAExtension.
MARasterLayer A layer used to control the display of MA RPF Catalogs.
MeasurementTool A collection of methods for geodesy computations.
METOCAreasChange1 Renders area tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCLinesChange1 Renders line tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B meteorology (METOC) heading.
METOCPointsChange1 Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B Change 1 meteorology (METOC) heading.
MGRSCoordinate Class to hold coordinates as Military Grade Reference System (MGRS) Coordinate.
MoleCoreHelper A utility class that provides general services and useful information.
MoleEventRenderer Controls event rendering for the MOLE renderer.
MoleFillSymbol Mole Fill Symbol Class.
MoleGroupElement Mole Group Element Class.
MoleLineSymbol Mole Line Symbol Class.
MoleMarkerSymbol Mole Marker Symbol Class.
MSAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MSLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MSPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B mobility and survivability heading.
MultipointArrows Renders polylines as 2525B arrow tactical graphics, using the last point to define the back of the arrow head.
ObjectDictionary A keyed object dictionary that wraps std::map.
OtherLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading.
OtherPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B miscellaneous/other heading.
Parser This is the Parser class.
PointObs2525B Renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
PointObs2525BG Using green symbology, renders some of the 2525B point obstacle tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
Points2525B Renders some of the 2525B point tactical graphics (those supported in MOLE 2.0).
StackHigherFormationRule A rule that permits stacking if two objects share the same higher formation (parent) attribute.
StackProximityRule A rule that permits stacking if two objects are within a specified distance of one another.
StackSymbolIDRule A rule that permits stacking if two objects share the same symbol ID value.
StackValueRule A rule that permits stacking if two objects share the same value for a specified attribute.
StatefulRenderOptions Stateful Render Options Class.
SwoopArrows Renders selected 2525B arrows using curved lines.
TacticalAreas Class extension object used to create tactical graphic polygon feature classes.
TacticalElement A light weight object that can store attribute information that can then be symbolized by a tactical graphic.
TacticalGraphic A cached graphic that symbolizes a point, line, or polygon based tactical military object (feature or tactical element).
TacticalGraphic2525BRenderer Renders all 2525B tactical graphics.
TacticalGraphicAPP6ARenderer Renders all APP6 tactical graphics.
TacticalGraphicDisplayList Manages a collection of tactical cached graphics.
TacticalGraphicLayer A custom layer, bound to a feature layer, that wraps a tactical graphic display list and makes it possible to view and manipulate its cached graphic contents in an ArcGIS map display.
TacticalGraphicStyle Provides a set of symbols for use in depicting tactical graphics on a display.
TacticalLines Class extension object used to create tactical graphic polyline feature classes.
TacticalLuminen The Tactical Luminen Class.
TacticalPoints Class extension object used to create tactical graphic point feature classes.
TaskAreas2525B Renders areal tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.
TaskLines2525B Renders linear tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.
TaskPoints2525B Renders point tactical graphics defined under the 2525B task heading.
TextGraphicFactory Creates polygon geometry representations of text strings.
USNGCoordinate Class to hold coordinates as USNG.
UTMCoordinate Class to hold coordinates as Universal Transverse Mercator(UTM).


Structure Description
moleMessageStringType Structure used to decode a 15 character symbol ID string.
tagmoleMessageStringType Structure used to decode a 15 character symbol ID string.


Enumeration Description
cjmtkGeometryType The available kinds of GeoGeometry objects.
cjmtkSGType Geoline type to be used in geodesy operations.
enumDisplaySelectionMode Display Selection Mode enumeration type.
esriCoordinatePrecision Coordinate precision enumeration type.
esriCoordinateToolOptionFlags CoordinateTool Option Flags Enumeration Type.
esriMAWireframeDisplayEnum Wireframe display options for MALayers.
esriMilitaryAnalystErrorCodes Military Analyst error codes.
mole2525BAffiliationsEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B affiliation code.
mole2525BCodingSchemesEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B scheme code.
mole2525BDimensionsEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B dimension code.
mole2525BEchelonsEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B echelon codes.
mole2525BMobilityEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B mobility codes.
mole2525BOOBEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B OOB code.
mole2525BReinforcedEnum Specifies the reinforcment text to be drawn above and to the right of a force element symbol.
mole2525BStatusEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B status code.
mole2525BTypeEnum ASCII values for the corresponding 2525B type code.
mole3DDisplayEnum Mole 3D display options.
moleDeclutterOptionEnum MOLE Group Decluttering Option.
moleLoggingLevelEnum Level of message logging.
moleQuadrantEnum Specifies the direction that a stack or leader will draw.
moleRendererStatusEnum Mole Renderer status Enumeration Type.
moleStyleFillEnum Fill style options for use with IFEGraphicStyle functions.
moleStyleFrameEnum Specifies frame draw status, for use with IFEGraphicStyle functions.
moleStyleLineColorEnum Line style options for use with IFEGraphicStyle functions.
moleSymbologyStandardEnum Mole Symbology standard Enumeration Type.
moleSymbologyStyleEnum MOLE Symbology Standard option.
moleTextJustifyEnum Text justification for IGraphicTextFactory operations.
moleTGStyleEnum Tactical graphic style options.