ArcObjects Library Reference (Carto)  

esriImageServerError Constants

Error codes associated with an Image Server.

Constant Value Description
E_IMAGESERVER_NO_AIS_CONNECTION -2147216896 Can't make a connection to an AIS server.
E_IMAGESERVER_FAILED_TO_GETIMAGE -2147216895 Failed to get image data.
E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION -2147216894 The operation is not supported on a non-catalog data source.
E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_REQUEST -2147216893 The request is not supported.
E_IMAGESERVER_UNSUPPORTED_FORMAT -2147216892 The image format is not supported on the current data source.
E_IMAGESERVER_NO_FILE -2147216891 The download file doesn't exist.
E_IMAGESERVER_JPIP_NOT_LICENSED -2147216890 The JPIP license is not available.
E_IMAGESERVER_NO_DYNAMICIMAGEWORKSPACE -2147216889 The dynamic image workspace is not configured for the service.
E_IMAGESERVER_INVALID_FUNCTION_DATASET -2147216888 Can't add a function raster dataset.
E_IMAGESERVER_NOT_ALLOW_FUNCTION -2147216887 Do not allow execution of client function.
E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_MEASURE_HEIGHT -2147216886 Can't measure height.
E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_MEASURE_SHADOW -2147216885 Can't measure height using shadow.
E_IMAGESERVER_FAILED_TO_EXPORTIMAGE -2147216884 Failed to export image.
E_IMAGESERVER_FAILED_TO_CREATE_VIEW -2147216883 Failed to create an image view, e.g. because of non-empty view definition.
E_IMAGESERVER_VIEW_ALREADY_EXIST -2147216882 The image view already exists.
E_IMAGESERVER_INVALID_VIEW_ID -2147216881 Invalid view ID.
E_IMAGESERVER_NO_PERMISSION -2147216880 No permission for an operation.
E_IMAGESERVER_VIEW_DOESNT_EXIST -2147216879 The image view doesn't exist.
E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_MEASURE_3D -2147216878 Can't make 3D measurements.
E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_ACQUIRE_TILE_LOCK -2147216877 Can't acquire tiel cache lock.
E_IMAGESERVER_CANT_ACCESS_RASTERID -2147216876 Unable to access raster with the given ID.
E_IMAGESERVER_BAD_CACHE_SPATIALREFERENCE -2147216875 Invalid cache spatial reference.

Product Availability

Available with ArcGIS Engine, ArcGIS Desktop, and ArcGIS Server.