Building an understanding of COM and ArcObjects

The C++ API for ArcGIS gives the C++ developer access to the ArcObjects components used to build the ArcGIS family of products; these components are themselves written in C++ using the COM framework. While it is not necessary to write any COM code to use the C++ API, a basic understanding of how COM objects work is necessary to use ArcObjects. If you are unfamiliar with the ArcObjects framework, the help sections Introduction to COM and Developing with ArcObjects are recommended reading.

Getting help

For help on the objects used in this API (interfaces, classes, and so on), refer to the ArcGIS Developer Help for C++ that is installed with the ArcObjects SDK. If you accepted the default installation options, the help system can be accessed as follows:


Go to Start menu > Programs > ArcGIS > Developer Help > ArcObjects Help for C++.

Solaris and Linux

Run <install location>/developerkit10.0/viewCPPHelp