Truncating labels

  1. Enable the Maplex Label Engine.
  2. Click the Label Manager button Label Manager on the Labeling toolbar.
  3. Check the box next to the layer you want to label.
  4. Choose a label class under the layer.
  5. Although the steps are the same, the dialog boxes for point, line, and polygon layers differ.

  6. Click the Properties button.
  7. Click the Fitting Strategy tab.
  8. Check Abbreviate Label.
  9. Click Options.
  10. Check the May truncate label check box.
  11. Optionally, specify values for Minimum word length, Marker character (to end the truncated label), or Characters to remove first.
  12. Click OK to close all dialog boxes.
You can also open the Placement Properties dialog box by clicking the Placement Properties button on the Labels tab of the Layer Properties dialog box for the layer you want to label.

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